I came across numerous people on here asking for more blood, gore and horror related items on 3D artist threads. Initially I figured that I'd just cut up a char-base mesh, have some guts and bones sticking out and give it a gruesome texture and cash in on all the zombiegame people but it just feels morbid to make such models :S. I no longer enjoy doing these dark kind of models...my horrorshooter days seem to be far behind me.
So now, as a public service I'll teach all of you how to accumulate a large set of dead bodies and corpses fitting your enemie characters just fine! ... and the best part is that this is easy to do, you dont even need to know how to model. All you need to know is how to import a custom model into Guru correctly.
All you need is a copy of fragmotion. You can download it here and activate a free license. It will be fully funtional after you do so, but you do have to enter a prayer every week to keep it active, if this bothers you I suggest you
read this tutorial. Fragmotion is a great tool to unwrap and export for guru... I'd advise you to purchase a copy anyway.
So! lets get this party started:
Open up fragmotion and click "file" -> "import". Choose your gameguru folder and go where the character you want to have a dead version of is located, import it. I chose one of the stock mobzombies simply because they make great corpses...they already look dead anyway.
To be on the save side, remove the materials. I have had models with multiple materials show up black in editor. This will neither damage the UVs nor mess up the texture, dont worry.
Once this is done click "animation". You will then get another menue (1) where you should click on "anim-1". Now go to the bottom of the application where there is something that resembles a videoplayer interface. (2) You can either drag the marker on the left or use the play/stop commands to browse through the animations. - Select an animation frame where the character looks dead (be creative, make impaled or hung versions aswell...you can also create statues) then stop.
Your character should be in a pose like the one you see on the screenshot now. You are basically done. (that wasnt so hard now, was it?

) What you will have to do now is click on file and then "export pose". Not export as this will export the model as an animated character.
Select Direct X (.x) and you'll get a few options. Best to export a compressed mesh for top optimisation. Leave everything else as it is for now.
Now all you have to do is know what textures go with your model and import it into guru. Thats it. Repeat until you have a large set of bodies to use in your maps. If you know a little texturing you can easily make burned victims or add some blood to the diffuse map.
Hope this helped some of you! Please don't hesitate to post if you have questions or need something clarified.
"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"