Hi All,
We hope you enjoyed our broadcast this week, and for those who could not make it, here is the recording:
And for all the questions I could not answer live, here they are:
Q> Will there be an option to change the mouse settings such as sensitivity and mouse acceleration?
A> There are no plans to add mouse acceleration, but there is a control slider for mouse sensitivity for the in-game configuration.
Q> When we will be able to use a Stable version to create games with Updates to fix the bugs?
A> We do not have a fixed date for the first stable version able to save our standalone games. To avoid disappointment, best to wait until we have finished the product and have seen some good solid games created before deciding to use MAX for your commercial game development.
Q> The Plane Stitches are visible when you brush over it with some ground texture ... will it be fixed ??
A> Yes this is a known bug. Don't worry about reporting terrain bugs at this stage we have a lot more to do with that system.
Q> Selection showing a yellow band is great but it's difficult to distinguish Dynamic from Static entities ... Any thoughts on this .. Classic was Red and Green.
A> The current highlighter technology uses a stencil buffer to identify the areas of highlight, and we can only give it a single color. We could do two or more passes for different colors but we are aware this might hit performance. Would a marker above the object work just as well to determine which objects are static and which are dynamic, or should we aim to make sure it does not really matter and let the games engine take care of identifying when an object should be static. Interesting thought.
Q> So is the new scripting system still LUA?
A> Yes we are using the LUA Programming Language for the scripting language for GameGuru MAX.
Q> Can there be an ultra-violence setting so I can shoot people and they explode into blood like in postal 2?
A> There are no plans for an ultra-violence mode in GameGuru MAX, though you can certainly set up enemies to explode as soon as they are shot, more akin to Serious Sam
Thanks for all your questions, and I look forward to answering more next week!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.