When the refinery is finished there will be a high load of polygons, this will serve us for our objective, stress the game engine, test the features, sliders, lights, weather, shadows, etc.
I have deliberately loaded most of these polygons into specific models, for example, this model in the pic below, polycount: 229k
Most of these 299k polygons are concentrated in the boxes, shelves that hold the boxes, it has a small level of detail that helps to achieve the load of polygons that we are looking for.
But why load in detail some models that will be covered by a canvas and that the player will not be able to see?
It is truly seen in this way it does not make sense, however for our objective it is ideal. Also, this system would help in the event that I want to use this model in one level but without that high polygon load, I just have to replace those boxes with other lowpoly cover them with the canvas, and the matter resolved.
Does anyone think we can load the entire refinery on a map, in GGMax?
Well, that's what we're working here for, to find it out.
This is not going to be a conventional refinery, nor does it intend to rival any other refinery out there, it is made haphazardly, I have not looked for plans, nor am I working with real measurements, but hey, this is one of the advantages of being only testing GGMax.
At the moment I am still working in the refinery, although there is little left to finish, I think 1.5M in polycount is enough for the first attempt.
We are really closest to the 1,5M in polycount, I'm going to work on the small stuff, lights, and so on, before going to the texture area, texture all this stuff will be a nightmare. LOL
What I've so far
Well, guys, back when done.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
2d graphics mark: 947.9
3d graphics mark: 8310.9
memory mark 2584.8
Disk mark: 1146.3
Passmark rating: 3662.4