"Game Guru's ultimate aim, is to provide more than just a platform for a first-person shooter experience. In the future, it will also allow for creation of 3rd-person Games, Real-Time Strategy Games, Driving/Racing Games, Puzzle Games, Horror Games, Fantasy Games, Children's Games, etc.."
So... which of these are not possible already??
All possible now, though quite wonky @ 32 bit 'walking on egg shells' engine
current GGClassic is.
64 bit + Standalone solid as steel (solid as Testing the map) will help it even
that much more. When you ask for Lee/ TGC to make an engine for you- to
make your own specific game... that's when the games become rigid copied
clones of each other. So to be flexible, CODING IS REQUIRED!
But if I was to review GG right now on Steam (been holding off for over a year)
then I would say GG is a FPS level creator, with medieval, Gothic, war-torn, grungy,
apocalyptic assets in the models folders, even on the STORE -- and not much else
(Just a few collections) here and there on the store-- but primarily Zombified,
grungy and bloody fighting/ FPS content!! That's depressing to me, even though
I've spent a few hundred on the store. But it doesn't have to be that way.
There are now some DLC's that offer a *little* variety.
Any kind of model can be created and placed in GG. A little more scripting
functions aimed at these various game types, and we would be set! It's all there
now, just not that obvious, and what is there could use some help/ expansion.