Getting close to completing the first of these kits, i have a few more models i want to add, and then it's just a matter of tidying up the files and converting the textures to .dds.
So far the kit contains:
15x Wall segments (including two plain walls, 4 walls with windows, 4 walls with doorways, a corner wall, a T shaped wall and a X shaped wall, as well as an animated wall that can be broken, and a static broken wall).
3x Floor segments (including a plain floor, a floor with a grate, and a bridge part, although i might remake the bridge part).
1x Cheese (uses the food script).
1x Coins (uses the gold script).
1x Heal Potion (uses the healpot script).
1x Pie (uses the food script).
1x Wineskin (uses the drink script)
1x Barrel.
2x Chest (one static, and one animated using the break chest script).
1x Crate.
2x Altar (one plain, and one blood covered).
1x Brazier (on a stone plynth).
4x Doors (to fit the doorways, Arched, Barred, Metal, and Wood).
4x Pillars
1x Bed.
1x Bench.
4x Bookcase.
2x Chair.
1x Pew.
2x Shelf.
2x Stool.
3x Table.
4x Weapon rack.
Bag (a small cloth coin pouch type bag, this may be moved to collectables and use the gold script).
8x Books (4x closed, and 4x open, in 4 colours).
1x Hanging Cage.
2x Mug (a tankard style mug in wood and iron).
2x Plate (a wood and and iron plate).
4x Potion Bottles.
2x Skeletons (one suspended from wall chains, and one sitting as if collapsed against a wall).
1x Torch.
1x Torture Rack.
1x HUD controller object (an object set up to use the HUD scripts, just place it and the HUD works)
Bastard Sword.
Great Sword.
Long Sword.
Short Sword
*note* these are decorative weapons and not player usable weapons.
Totalling 98 models so far!
It will also contain the following scripts:
- HUD control script (this controls all aspects of the HUD including the survival, inventory, and gold elements).
- Healpot script (used in conjunction with the HUD script to allow you to collect healing potions and store them for later use by pressing the [V] button).
- Drink script (used in conjunction with the HUD script to allow you to collect drink and store it for later use by pressing the [B] button).
- Food script (used in conjunction with the HUD script to allow you to collect food and store it for later use by pressing the [N] button).
- Gold script (used in conjunction with the HUD script to allow you to collect gold coiuns and display your total on the HUD).
- Third person door script (adaptation of the default door script that avoids the player visibility bug third person has with the default script).
- Break wall script (this script allows an apropriately animated wall to be attacked and broken).
- Push wall script (this script allows an apropriately animated wall to be pushed over by pressing [E] and broken).
- Open chest script (this script allows an apropriately animated chest to be opened with [E]and grant a random amount of gold).
- Break chest script (this script allows an apropriately animated chest to be opened by attacking and grant a random amount of gold).
Primary Desktop:
i7 7700,k NV1070 8GB, 16GB 3200mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
Secondary Desktop:
i5 4760k, NV960 2GB, 16GB 2333mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
i3, Intel 4000 series graphics, 6GB memory, 1x 500gb HDD, Win8.1.