I've found a few more issues with the latest PP.
I seem to get severely stretched shadows in editor mode in the top left corners edge. Not a major issue, but thought I'd mention it. I get similar in game if I try to reduce the sample count, but in editor it still does this at the default setting of 4.
I also have noticed that in standalone if you press F11 to get the FPS, any hidden icons (gun icon, health icon) tend to appear.
I know this is mainly an AI update, but at present my tests are in a non combative game so not likely to spot any of those. Apart from the aforementioned npc's stop animating randomly I mentioned in a prior post (which is still present).
I still have an issue where an entity is not showing in standalone mode. It seems to have copied it over and it is there, just not visible.
@ Medmatheus. I've heard of issues with the story zones not working for awhile now, might still be bugged
I seem to remember it having issues if you spawn directly into a story zone, rather than walk into one. I tend to avoid zones in general and often use a simple distance check to do similar things. My current WIP for instance has lots of zones, but none are GG ones, all are coded in lua directly. I just find zones messy in editor and if I have to use them, leave them till absolutely the last things I add. A way to hide zones would help here
Still, my point is, if this issue is stopping you working on your game, you may be able to work around it with a simple distance check on an object to achieve the same effect.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.