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Posted: 18th Jul 2018 16:20 Edited at: 18th Jul 2018 16:21
Hi everyone, its been a way since I worked with Github and I've forgotten a few things. There are some additions I'd like to add. But when I attempt to it send over the pull request, with it comes changes I made to playerglobalcontrols.lua of which is not part of the current additions im trying to make.

I'm curious how does one go about resetting their files in their own respiratory back to the original TheGameCreator:master (of TGC's/Lee's)? Additionally i want to remove my changes that are on my respiratory in the playerglobalcontrols and have them exactly the same as what is in the TGC master.

for example my respiratory says its:
This branch is 9 commits ahead, 273 commits behind TheGameCreators:master.
How do I update all of my commits so that my branch right now is exactly the same as "TheGameCreators:master" ? As you can see I'm 6 months behind.

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Posted: 18th Jul 2018 19:20 Edited at: 18th Jul 2018 19:27
You need to merge the GameGuru master into yours, but after you are so far behind, you can get a lot of merge conflicts.

The best is to do it on you local hd.
Choose your repo on the hd and choose pull option.
then there should be a Url where you place the GG repo url:
choose as branch the master and press pull.
Other options can be default ( I always use merge, but some guys use rebase)
(I use git extension for git, so I am not sure how it works for you)

If you get merge conflicts, you need to solve them with a diff tool.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2018 11:29 Edited at: 19th Jul 2018 11:34
For those that do not routinely use git I strongly suggest using GitHub's desktop system, this massively simplifies the whole process.

Using this program when committing changes you can select the files you wish to commit on the left hand file list, this would allow you to only commit the files you want.

It also allows you to choose files from that list and revert the changes. As well as that you can easily pull changes from the repo to get all files up to date.

When using the program this will help you update your branch from master

Hope that helps a bit, the program should be relatively easy to use and they have some good videos on how to use from what I remember as well.
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Posted: 20th Jul 2018 14:01
Thanks guys. I will check this all out soon. I've made quite a mess of my respiratory.
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Posted: 20th Jul 2018 15:42 Edited at: 20th Jul 2018 15:55
Hi Teabone,

I made a little tutorial how to do it with git extension. It is really easy and it can do a lot more than that if you find you way in.

Tutorial to update you repository:
Do a right-click on you local repository folder of GG. You will see something like this:

Choose Pull and you see a window:

set it up like in the window and press pull. A window pops up with the download. It maybe need some time, but if it is ready you should see this:

After you pulled the repo, you need to push the updated local branch in you github repository.
For this right-click on you local GG repo folder and choose push(see first picture):
you will see:

Just press push.
of cause you need to enter you github account details for this (right-click->git-extensions->settings->git config)

Hope this helps a bit. For more questions just ask.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 13:35
I've totally hosed my local repository, somehow I managed to merge in Preben's changes and now when I try to commit a branch it sucks up those changes as well even though they are in the master already, oh and I now have lots of '>>>>' & '====' bits littering the code which stops it compiling.

Have resorted to a brand new Clone of the master and will have to figure out how to abandon the old branches, or can I just create new ones in the new clone?
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 14:38 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 14:39
Quote: "Have resorted to a brand new Clone of the master and will have to figure out how to abandon the old branches, or can I just create new ones in the new clone?"

Yes, you can.

Quote: "
oh and I now have lots of '>>>>' & '====' bits littering the code which stops it compiling."

These are merge errors. You need to fix these first before you can compile again. Git is sometimes a bit stupid with merged branches which go into the master, thats why I never merge two branches except master and my own.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 15:12 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 15:13
Well the new clone appears to be fine, just fixed the explosion problem (Issue 313) and added the angle commands for dynamic lights.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 16:14
Nice one AmenMoses ,thanks

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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 16:25 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 16:55
Quote: "added the angle commands for dynamic lights."

I wait for the questions how this command works. Because this is no angle, it is a vector...

For example:
This script is needed to rotate more than one spotlight: (police car i.e. )
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 17:07 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 17:13
Works the same way the position works, i.e. Get returns 3 angles x, y, z and set takes 3 angles. I assume they are Euler angles. A vector would have probably have been more sensible.

Just set x & z to 0 if all you want is to rotate around Y.

But, for an angle of 0,0,0 which way is the light pointing? If it matches the default 'forward' of an entity then it should be along the Z axis or straight North or whatever you want to call it.

(oh and any complex rotation in 3D should be done with Quaternions )
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 17:14 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 17:15
Or are you saying it IS a vector? If so which plank named the variables f_angle_x, f_angle_y & f_angle_z?
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 17:43 Edited at: 21st Jul 2018 17:47
Quote: "Or are you saying it IS a vector?"

Nope, it looks like an euler angle. I misinterpreted the [-1,1] room
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 18:11
I just tested it and it does indeed appear to be a vector. That's going to be well confusing when every other 'angle' is a Euler angle. Mind you it does fit with the sun 'angle' which is also a vector.

Handily enough there is a wonderful little function in the utillib that will fit this perfectly:

local U = require "scriptbank\\utillib"

local xv, yv, zv = U.Rotate3D( 0, 0, 1 , math.rad(xangle), math.rad(yangle), math.rad(zangle) )
SetLightAngle( lightId, xv, yv, zv )

That should do the trick.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 18:31
Works a treat:

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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 18:59
Looks good I can see that getting used a lot,would be nice to be able to pick spinning and flashing lights form the editor

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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 19:04 Edited at: 24th Jul 2018 08:37
Here is the script that spins the light:

Not exactly mind blowingly complicated.

This sort of thing is exactly what scripting is really for, you don't want things like this hard coded in the engine!

Edited to add: Need to say 'don't try this at home! The commands are only in our local repositories at present so this script won't work on the public builds or beta.
Also, I know that's not a very efficient or flexible script, when these commands become available to all I'll probably put a much more sophisticated version up here.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 20:09
Quote: "Looks good I can see that getting used a lot,would be nice to be able to pick spinning and flashing lights form the editor"

Why? Is it that hard to choose a script from the scriptbank folder?

I now we should add more scripts to the scriptbank folder(like this here from AmenMoses) to support non scripters, but we should not hardcode features. I just want to remember at the hardcoded AI where we can´t make a custom character move.

I never used your utillib, but I should look into it. Amazing
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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 20:20
Quote: "Why? Is it that hard to choose a script from the scriptbank folder?"

No,did I ever say it was

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Posted: 21st Jul 2018 21:02
@Corno_1, utillib is just one of the collection:

utillib.lua : module containing utility functions that are useful in any script, for example PlayerLookingAt.
quatlib.lua : module for doing Quaternion based stuff - not for the faint hearted.
physlib.lua : module containing physics related functions - see tutorial on scripts forum for details.

Those three are included with GG, also available (again check out the script forum) is
textlib.lua : contains functions that allow 'font' sprites to be used, mainly because GGs font handling is pants.

Currently being worked on and will be released when done:
zonelib.lua : my old zones script converted to a library module, allows named zones to be created from waypoints and provides functions to detect when the player or any entity enter a zone or exit a zone etc.
ailib.lua : a library of functions related to AI manipulation, what this one will provide is still to be determined.

I may convert a few more of my scripts to libraries, for example the vehicle related stuff and my old ezentitymover script which is crying out for conversion when I have the time. Also on the plate (but a bit up in the air since Lee mentioned something about a 'new' particles system) is a particles library to simplify the use of particles.

If I ever manage to finish that lot I have plans for a HUD library and a map display library.

Oh and as if I'm not already as busy as a one-armed-decorator I intend to revisit the whole inventory/survival genre with a library full of general purpose functions related to the implementation of said genre.

I've probably forgotten a few things as well.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2018 22:38
Quote: "Not exactly mind blowingly complicated."

Perhaps not, but a bit complicated to merely rotate a light I think. Why do we need this extra fluff? A simple rotate light with the angle needed would suffice.

The other stuff you use seems OTT and unnecessary to me for a simple light rotation. For instance the getlight num, is already e so really generally not needed or at least shouldn't be. Don't get me wrong it's great there is the option to rotate a light now, just I like to keep things consistent and expect commands to work in a similar fashion to the others. Code like I supply above would work in every other engine I have used no problem. I don't know, I guess I get irritated at anything these days It seems way over complicated to have to use a vector at all here (perhaps for a more dramatic spin effect possibly).
Anyway, I'll leave my moan at that :p
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2018 22:59
No, the light Id is not the same as the entity Id that's why you need the call, very similar to the way you need to use the object Id for anything physics related. All objects have an object Id, all lights have a light Id, anything dynamic also has an entity Id, in the engine these are all different indexes into different lists, particles are another example, they have yet another Id as do sounds, sprites, weapons, images etc.

A vector is a far more sensible thing to use for a direction in a 3D engine, Euler angles are much more complicated to use and if you wanted to, for example rotate a light smoothly in a particular path by a particular amount then quaternions are pretty much essential. In all modern 3D engines (and in many parts of GG!) all angular positioning is done using quaternions, luckily you don't need to understand how they work to use them.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 14:24
I cut my teeth on the ZX Spectrum and basically still program in similar fashion. Vectors were not a thing I encountered in Speccy BASIC I always avoided em in DB and DB Pro. I was just frustrated my super short rotate code didn't work. One line in the original for rotating my light model
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 18:31
Quote: "I cut my teeth on the ZX Spectrum and basically still program in similar fashion"

10 print " lost me at the first post "
20 goto 10
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 19:03
I made a lot of use of vectors in my Speccy days, mind you I wrote all my code in Z80 Assembler back then.
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 21:17
BASIC and GAC lol. I tried assembly but the book I had kept talking about hands and feet and I gave it up as bad job. INPUT was far better.
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 22:20
Prolog and Snobol were probably the weirdest I've come across.

Btw, everyone has heard of 'C' but did you know there was a 'B' and a 'D' as well! ('E' got abandoned when the developers kept selling it at Rave parties)
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 22:38 Edited at: 24th Jul 2018 22:39
Off track slightly but I will slap myself later ..
You guys remember this ..

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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 22:52
Haha, yes I do remember that …

About that time I was active in the European demo scene, used to hold big expos where we all tried to impress each other, only realised much later that there were never any of the fairer sex present …
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 22:54
At one of the expos someone turned up with a home built system which contained an Atari ST combined with several co-processor modules and a Pizza oven! Damn how we all wanted that Pizza oven.
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Posted: 26th Jul 2018 05:04 Edited at: 26th Jan 2019 16:50
I am having way too many problems with this. Cant seem to wrap my head around it. Also now using Github Desktop. I attempted a pull request and it said over 700 files were changed. Also displayed conflicts but with past scripts I've mine that are already added to the master TGC build. Im so confused. I'm just trying to add a new script (not a modified one).

I think i really messed myself over with the gameplayercontrol.lua way back now i cant get back on track.

Going to try your methods Corno_1 with Git Extensions. Hopefully i can figure all this out.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2019 16:49
Okay so I've decided I'd like to jump back on github and start helping out where i can again.

My current issue is my github respiratory is completely mucked up:

What is the best course of action going forward? From what I've read about I should be using a folder locally on my computer that is my repository?
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Posted: 26th Jan 2019 17:00
I just use a folder on my root C: drive
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Posted: 26th Jan 2019 17:09 Edited at: 26th Jan 2019 23:35
Quote: "From what I've read about I should be using a folder locally on my computer that is my repository?"

How do you worked so far. If you have nothing on your disk, how you changed the files? You not did it on the github webpage, did you?

Install git and git extension:

And then watch the tutorials for git extension.

If you really can not get it, contact me (mail/pm) and I will push your finished project in my repo and create a pull request.
So you not need to worry about merges and so on You simply work in your GG folder.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2019 17:27
Oh I mean should I be replicating a whole folder of Game Guru to my drive (separate from the steam) one and have this local folder merge with the latest TGC github build? I'm also unsure of how to dot his but I'll check out those links provided. Hopefully i can fix all the mistakes made to my online respiratory (that what i was working with solely originally).
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Posted: 4th Feb 2019 23:18 Edited at: 4th Feb 2019 23:23
What would be the best course of action to correct this issue?

348 commits behind

EDIT: ah just realized i had this problem many ages ago and asked the same question. I'll see if Corno_1 and The Next's suggestions can help from earlier in the thread.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2019 00:08
Basically what I do is clone the repository into a new folder, copy over my changes, create a branch & commit them.

Then I carry on fiddling until I have something ready to commit and do the whole process again.

Life's too short to bother learning yet another bloody tool! (why oh why can't they all just do everything the same flipping way, same goes for 3D tools!)

When I open my toolbox and grab a spanner, any spanner, it works the same way all the other spanners work, same for my hammers, screwdrivers etc. I so wish that software tools were the same.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2019 02:06
Quote: "When I open my toolbox and grab a spanner, any spanner, it works the same way all the other spanners work, same for my hammers, screwdrivers etc. I so wish that software tools were the same."

Very true,everyone wants to stand out.look at what I have made

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Posted: 5th Feb 2019 02:19
Guys does the lights are portable yet? ie, with a torch.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2019 10:38
Yes dynamic lights are moveable.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2019 11:05 Edited at: 5th Feb 2019 11:06
Quote: "Yes dynamic lights are moveable."

How did you get the lights rotating that could be handy … Im guessing its a script attached of course
EDIT … Oh I see sorry you do explain above ..
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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 15:16
What is the best way to copy my repo to my computer? Or at the least copy the TGC master to my HD?
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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 19:34
Just clone it to a new folder.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 19:40
Quote: "Yes dynamic lights are moveable"

Nice to know, ty A.M
I should have read this before making my video.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2019 03:38 Edited at: 7th Feb 2019 05:16
Quote: "Just clone it to a new folder."

Using the Github Desktop app, I was able to clone to my desktop. How can I fix my own respiratory to reflect exactly the same as the TGC Game Guru repo?

Having a hard time understanding what I'm even looking at. Says Game Guru repo but is that my repo or the master im looking at on Github Desktop? Bottom left does have my icon however.

How can I fix this issue:
"This branch is 14 commits ahead, 348 commits behind TheGameCreators:master. "
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Posted: 7th Feb 2019 07:24
I use SourceTree, I create a new folder hit the clone option, copy the path from the GitHub page, select the new folder and wait a while. The folder now contains the current master effectively.
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Posted: 7th Jun 2019 03:22 Edited at: 7th Jun 2019 03:47
Hey so I started using Github Desktop and I now have my (i think my) respiratory backed up to my local drive)

How do I backup the master TGC respiratory to my local and work from there?

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Posted: 7th Jun 2019 05:26

i found this on github about setting it up.

I have not tried it yet
it might help


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Posted: 7th Jun 2019 21:15 Edited at: 7th Jun 2019 21:47
It all seems quite complicated and taxing. Wish I didn't mess up my respiratory, to begin with. I was pretty much just editing LUA within Github's website directly in the beginning, from my repo.

I have an idea of how to fix my localized repository. So going to see what goes from there.

I have a lot of bug fixes and possible scripted features ready to go
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Posted: 12th Jun 2019 00:53
@Teabone : I am happy for you to email me and I can walk you through the steps to getting set up. I have created some Wiki guides on the GitHub page and I would be keen to learn at what point they did not help out, as it will allow me to improve them for the next user who comes along.
PC SPECS: Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i7-8700K, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 GPU, 16GB SYSTEM RAM

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