Hey all, as many of you may know I've been deep in LUA every day always testing things out and creating new features and improving upon the types of games I can make with GG. While I'm quite new to LUA ive been able to fix many of the issues that used to bug me that i never thought id be able to fix myself. I've also been able to take off quite a number of "features" off the list we have.
Right now I've been working on getting rid of the instant death when the player submerges underwater. As I noticed its been a reoccurring complaint with players of Game Guru created games and also from the developers. While there may be already ways to avoid this , I've decided to actually modify the player's global controls, instead of creating an additional script. So it will just work as soon as you start your game.
So for now here is what I have modified:
- No longer instantly die in water
- Can jump into water from great heights and not die from fall damage
- automatically puts weapon away once submerged
- there is a timed delay before you start losing health
- you lose health slowly once you start to run out of air
- works with 3rd person (no swimming animations yet)
- if health regeneration is enabled on the map, you wont recover health till you surface
I'm considering creating new variables. So that if someone nice enough who has some experience in C++ with modifying the UI in GG, could add a section for swimming to the player start marker.
What I'm working on next:
- ability to swim in an upward direction
- remove hurtfall sound when falling in to water (leaving splash sound)
- remove blood spurts on screen when drowing (keep red fog for when dying)
- add possible splash decals
- adding swimming animation to 3rd person player once submerged
- use the existing code for weapon types that could be used underwater
if ( GetFireModeSettingsNoSubmergedFire() == 1 and GetGamePlayerStateUnderwater() == 1 )
then SetGamePlayerStateFiringMode(0) end
Before i really start hacking away at the global player controls scripts however, I plan to just create something that is working that is basic to prevent the acid or lava feeling that is in currently in GG. So you can enter water and leave without you dying instantly. I'd like to share that once its more refined.