Perhaps not Pro, but the new stuff that “might” go into version 1.15 shaders, is now available in its current state.
Download “” from your account:
Use the water plane for floor reflection, not ideal yet waiting for option to move waterline to make it more perfect and allow you to have normal water and reflection without changing settings.fx. But make scenes like this screenshot now.
Better shadows: Is this Unity or Unreal ? no its good old GG, check out how this fine realtime shadow looks. This is how it looks in the current version “download now
”, but I’m still working with Lee to make a better resolution and trying to stop flicker on shadows.
Per object light settings: Replaces specular per object with something more useful ( sorry Lee
), Enable you to make bright objects in a dark level or “Dark caves” in a day level. It gives endless possibilities just think about it.
Make fake light. without using illumination maps. work on any object.
Make better variation in your scenes, the same stone/any object can look different.
Make a single object bloom , without using illumination.
Make a tunnel object fade from light to dark, each time you place a tunnel object you can make it darker.
Make a key glow in a dark cave.
Make a house dark so you go from DayLight into a totally dark house.
I could keep on adding to this list ….
You can see your changes directly in the editor:
This screenshot only use 3 object and no light.
And sure the latest version of the Faster/Better looking trees with no ugly edges is included.
I enabled the features i think should be 1.15 default, and added these you can try out , settings.fx:
//#define ADDSKYBOXFOG // WIP PE: Add some fog to the skybox. keep fog colors below 94 if you use lens flare.
//#define DISABLELIGHTMAPNORMALS // PE: disable lightmap directional normalmap calculation.
#define TREEALPHACLIP (0.42)
#define TREENOILLUM // PE: no illumination in tree , not used in any default media.
//#define TREELOD (5000.0f) // WIP PE: need more work.
//#define DEBUGLEVEL // PE: Display polygons using wire. Only work on Highest.
//#define PEROJECTLIGHT // PE: Change per object specular to per object light.
//#define USEWATERFORFLOOR //WIP PE: Water can be used as floor , more transparent and no ripples.
If you do not have a account you can wait for a new GG release where some of this might be added, depending of what Lee thinks fit.
This is my way to say thanks you for supporting the shader work
best regards Preben Eriksen,