I can reproduce the same as Belidos before and after update. (all tests run from steam) After each crash computer was restarted this is very important.
If you can get a save game to load without a green screen it will always crash with Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library at the point of a FMV starting
or crash with Game Guru Map editor has stopped working
If you can get a save game to work it will also cut the FPS by 50% which kills it for me as I'm only getting 10 to 12 FPS to start with. 12 FPS may seem low but for this type of game it's just playable.
If I use save and load on other standalone games I don't get the 50% drop.
Your game runs a total 2GB of ram and run very well on my 4GB system.
I have a game with 1900 assets in it, and that runs in just over 1GB of ram, don't know if I'm right but does Game Guru load in the FMV's on loading so they are ready to use and this is what takes up the extra ram in your game?
So to sum up the above, game works great for me (9hrs and counting) as long as I don't use the save and load options.
Here a few things in game I've found that could to with fixing
Gate to school can be by passed by going up the hill to the left of gate
Gate back of school you can just jump on the wall by side of gate and then jump over gate
Doors inside school will let you just walk through them (the first door you open will work right though).
The Gate that needs a head to open it, the wall to the left of the gate you can just walk through it to get to the under ground area.
That's as far as I've got so far in the game.
The Save and Load messed my Map up from the start so I stuck with using V1.121 this version has the timer Bug in it, which can be worked round with Lua's this is the only version that works for me.
It's sad that the 12 months I've been with GG the Map making/test map is so much better. But making a 100% working Standalone game is not possable (a small simple game maybe).
Those of you making a game please try the standalone version of it and jump forward and backwards in the game using the save and load and check all still works. e.g. start game and save then use Keypad to say open a gate then save game again now load the first save back in you will find the keypad will not work the game still thinks you have used it but the gate is now shut.
Musicinzone was messed up also but now works ok after last update, it would play the music from the last save game not the area of the game just loaded in, but as I say works for me now in my map!.
Ertlov Love your game, Colours Music story etc etc.
If you have the Scifi pack you can see the bugs for yourself.
Save game around start point, then talk to engineer, get tool, talk to engineer, get door code from engineer, open door go inside corridor then save game, so far so good. now load first save game at this point the music for the corridors will be playing outside which is wrong. then engineer will ask for his tool which you dont have as its still on the boxes to the right. and the door is open anyway to the corridors.