Third Party Tools / Segment AutoWelder for GG v2.0

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 07:23
So now that the Punch/Weld tool is integrated into the main code and works just the same, I just need to tidy up the code and fully test 3.5.4 prior to full product release. I will make some small video tuturials showing how to use every aspect of the program and later create a full e-guide document (that will take the longest to do).
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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 17:01

With a larger object like a building I can't seem to move the punch farther towards the camera (def or top) view to get the punch to where I want to 'blast' a hole thru a wall . It would be nice to be able to move the object (building) around a little to get a little more freedom to place the punch . Mouse buttons to move the object just like the punch ?

The ability to resize the punch and weld objects together is pretty good .

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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 17:15
@Lance-thanks for the feedback. I will be adding code to allow the camera to move for top view. You should be able to the camera in "Def View" using the WASD. Is that not working? The original code allowed the user to move the object also and I know one user preferred the object to be stationary. I can revert the code so the object is moveable too (I hope I'm understanding you correctly). Glad you like the scaling feature for the CSG object
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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 18:15
ok so the code for the puncher has been updated so that you can now move the camera up, down, left and right in top view mode using the WASD keys. The WASD keys work ok in Def View mode. Is there a preference in having the object (non-punch) move/rotate. maybe an option to have object stationary/moveable/rotateable?

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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 18:44 Edited at: 16th Dec 2015 05:58
I've updated the punch/weld tool and uploaded to dropbox (v1.1). The link is the same as in the email I sent to those that have purchased. You should now be able to move the camera in top view (using the WASD keys) and also move/rotate the main object using the left/right mouse buttons. This has also been implemented in the main Welder Tool code
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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 21:45 Edited at: 15th Dec 2015 22:11
Excellent , I have more control of object in punch tool . I brought the Sandstone building in from GG and punched a hole thru the front . This gives owners of the tool the ability to make changes in Game-Guru supplied (or purchased) objects . 2 thumbs up for your hard work .


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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 16th Dec 2015 05:56
@Lance-How funny , I tried the tool out exectly on the same building and punched a great big hole from the roof thru' the floors. I even loaded in a level and punched hole. I quite like being able to weld pieces together to make a completely new entity. Loads to add still but will get there in the end.

Testing work now started on the whole v3.5.4 and will be making a start at making some official video guides. I have tested on my external drives and seems to work ok. I have fired up the virtual workstation and will be testing on XP and Win8/8.1 virtual PCs as I have no idea how they run on those OS.
Hopefully should be ok. Once any found issues are resolved (I'm sure there will be some), I will release the final software.

Version 4.0 will be interesting as I want to redesign the GUI and add other features, so will see what the new year brings. Have a good day all
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Posted: 16th Dec 2015 13:07
So it looks like the tool runs ok on windows XP (via virtual machine), although I was unable to test the level import side as for some reason FPSC map editor crashed but works ok on my Win7/Win10 OS systems ok. I'll see what I can do. Next is to test on Win8/8.1 also via virtual machine, all being well I should be able to release as soon as possible, hopefully by end of the week maybe sooner, unless anything horrid goes wrong.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 08:58
So for some reason couldn't get Windows 8 to install on my virtual machine software at all, so no luck testing out to see how the tool works with win8/8.1. Not a great start to the testing process. However the test in Win7/Win10 is going ok so far with just some minor issues cropping up which are now resolved. I have recorded 4 short video guides so far and the last 2 will be on the FPSC level importer and the Punch/Weld Tool, so fun doing those.
Once the testing is successful I will release 3.5.4 to those that have purchased so far. There will be no separate Win10 version.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 14:52
one more vid to record, a bit more testing then release. will keep you posted
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 18:14
All the video guides are now finished and I just have some final tests on the tool and then will release to everyone that has purchased.
The video guides are:

SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 1-GUI
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 2-Setup
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 3-Single Segment
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 4-Doors
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 5-FPSC level and Prefabs import
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-Punch and Weld Tool Part A
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-Punch and Weld Tool Part B (Trap Door example in GameGuru-using "Single Segment" and "Punch/Weld" Tool)
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 22:15
good news at last! Version 3.5.4 is now tested and minor fixes applied where necessary. The Level import missing textures works well and the user can manually select any textures that are not found by the tool. Tested in both Win7/Win10. XP segments and all other functions tested except levels as I could not get the FPSC map editor to work in the virtual machine.
Will be releasing shortly and new links will be sent to users already purchased along with full video guides.
I hope you enjoy the new version.

Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 22:47
I am pleased to announce (on page 1 of this thread also) that the SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 is now released as a final product and available to those users that have already purchased. I really hope you enjoy using the new product, but please feel free to comment on both the product and video guides.
All users that have purchased are entitled to free lifetime updates/fixes/support.

The New Year will bring new ideas and new GUI. I also can't wait to start on a Segment Editor/builder and construction kit + getting those dynamic entities into GG from FPSC.

All the best
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Posted: 17th Dec 2015 22:57
just bought it...
Great work Bored of the rings.
really usefull tools

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Posted: 18th Dec 2015 00:23
Testing on win 7 64 home premium. So far so good BOTR. It's great that you can pick any compiled level instead of just the last one. Looks like you get the rest of the week off.
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Posted: 18th Dec 2015 06:01
@HarryWever-Thanks for your purchase, I have now sent you the download links, I really hope you enjoy the product.
@seppgirty-Am glad it works ok on your system and I will definitely be putting my feet up for the rest of the week (well kind of )

There will be more features added in the new year which didn't get included in the 3.5.4 version e.g. part/mesh texture swapping for single segment and graphical view/selection on each part/mesh but I think that will all be included when I revamp and expand the GUI.

I am really hoping that I can export the dynamic entities from the FPSC levels into GameGuru, I will have to put my thinking cap on for that one
best wishes BOTR
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Posted: 18th Dec 2015 21:38 Edited at: 18th Dec 2015 21:39
Excellent . I think the Weld/Punch and Universe import came out pretty darn good . Glad I purchased it .. Keep up the good work after a well deserved break .

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Posted: 18th Dec 2015 22:07
Thanks Lance, glad you like it....
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Posted: 18th Dec 2015 23:20
Just so people know..... this program not only brings over floors and walls, it also brings over static objects like crates, chairs, tables.... So if you have a bunch of fpsc packs you can bring them over with ease.
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Posted: 19th Dec 2015 07:44 Edited at: 19th Dec 2015 07:44
@seppgirty-thanks again for your kind comments. Starting to (while putting my feet up ) look into how dynamic entities can be brought in from your levels made with FPSC. This will need some further investigation into the FPSC Source code (more fun) and also will GameGuru grumble?. I was also toying around briefly last night with designing new GUI as I want to bring in new features which won't fit in with the old GUI and I would also like to brighten it up. Also, I will be looking into the current features and how they can be improved, what needs adding that sort of thing. The punch will definitely need more rotation/move buttons for both the object and CSG mesh to make life more easier, maybe more camera views if needed. So lots of thought in my head and on paper (well code) so the new year will certainly be more busy than usual. Still loads to do on the texturing side and this is definitely a top priority to get the DINS system perfected. Today (between other committments), I will be looking at the texturing system (again) and just want to make it water tight. The program already converts any non .DDS files into .DDS files like FPSC does, but the DINS system really needs attention.
More testing I think needs to be done after a minor fix yesterday. Am pleased that yesterday during my lunch break, I had time to test the tool in Win XP and it works and managed to do both segments, levels and punching. However, I did get an initial error on startup but was ok after I cancelled this error. Not sure if this is down to me running in virtual machine or something else, but does work. Colours in the punch go a bit strange after using the level importer but that should be a fairly simple fix (he says). One steam user tried it out in Vista and Win10 but got error, he is going to get back to me, but I think a majority of users seem to have no problems.

Again, if you do have issues or don't like something or your finding something difficult to do, let me know and I can improve functionality.
I also use the tool and will be using it to build my GameGuru levels so need it to be easy to use and I know the CSG punch/weld tool will have further features added to make like more easier.

Oh well I think I've waffled on for a bit now, so will leave the forums now to start playing with more code, oh and put my feet up
Have a good day all.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2015 03:38 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2015 03:38
Hi BOTR, used the SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 with Windows 8.1, worked perfectly, it was great to see some levels from my much revered FPSC Game being imported into GG.

Merry Christmas to All.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2015 06:07
@ozziedave-great, that's really good to hear that it works well in Windows 8.1, thanks for letting me know. I can't even get my official windows 8 to install using VM Workstation.. Oh well will try again next year

Merry XMAS to everyone.....

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2015 05:28
This is by far the most promising third party tool for Game Guru artists that I have seen yet. I'll be looking forward to picking this up after the new year, hopefully when I have some more development time to make new assets. Bored of the Rings this project is really promising and looks to be incredibly useful, I think you've done a fantastic job of creating something that many users will use and improve upon the easy to use nature of Game Guru and assets creation. I am excited to play around with it when I have free time and can purchase it. I'll be following this thread for more information and updates. Happy holidays
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2015 07:25 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2015 07:26
@teamhalo-wow thanks for the comments, they are very appreciated. There are many improvements/features to come in the new year.

I have also found the issue with the sinking doors, which I found out accidentally by loading the castledoor into fragmotion and didn't spot it originally. Basically, the original pose or default pose is not positioned correctly and so "sinks" into the GameGuru terrain. After fixing this, when I loaded into GameGuru the initial pose is at the right level on the terrain and sits great. However, as soon as you click on the door it moves up. This seems to be due to the animation frames and not the initial pose being set to terrain level and in Fragmotion I got the same effect. The initial pose was wrong but the animations (when I started to play each frame through) shifted the door up onto the 0,0,0 position. So at the moment the "sinking door" is resolved, but messes up in GameGuru because of the animation frames which offsets the door (ugh). Some doors are correct and come out fine e.g. the London doors (Basement) as the initial pose is correct. What a pain I am finding with limb offsets, but at least the sinking doors is now fixed but has opened up another issue
Still I will fathom it out I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2015 13:42

Merry Christmas ................
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Posted: 24th Dec 2015 10:43 Edited at: 24th Dec 2015 13:25
Merry XMAS to all and hope everyone has a happy new year and thanks to all that bought the tool

"sinking doors" issue now 100% resolved, next step to fix the related key animation frames to have perfected animated non-sinking doors.......will leave that till next year.......
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Posted: 24th Dec 2015 17:38
Finally placed my order, thank you for such an awesome tool. I can't wait to try it out.
AMD Phenom x4 9850 2.58 Ghz , 6 gb ram, 2GB EVGA Geforce GTX 750, Win 10 x64

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Posted: 24th Dec 2015 17:50
@MK83: thanks very much for your order, I will send links to you either tonight or in the morning currently out at the moment but you should be able to use it for Xmas day

Best wishes and happy Xmas
Mike (BOTR)
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Posted: 25th Dec 2015 17:44 Edited at: 25th Dec 2015 17:45
Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. Great video tuts included, very easy to understand.

Daniel (MK83)
AMD Phenom x4 9850 2.58 Ghz , 6 gb ram, 2GB EVGA Geforce GTX 750, Win 10 x64

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Posted: 26th Dec 2015 07:42
@MK83- glad the videos were of help and easy to understand. As the tool develops/expands I will update/add to the tutorials where applicable.
Enjoy the rest of the xmas break.
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Posted: 26th Dec 2015 18:53
its really a great tool...

Best wishes...
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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 09:25
Thanks Harry
Best wishes
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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 16:02
Just purchased my copy. I was going to wait until the official release but curiosity got the better of me!

Thanks for the prompt download links. I'm hoping 3.5.4 is working ok for Windows 10.

Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i7 3.4 GHz, 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA GTX 760 2GB DDR5
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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 16:32
@Nomad Soul: thanks for your purchase- version 3.5.4 is the official release and also works with Windows 10. best wishes Mike (BOTR)
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Posted: 28th Dec 2015 07:46
@LightningBoltStudios-Thanks for your recent order for the Welder tool- unfortunately, I tried sending the links to your email address but got an 'undeliverable' message. Please can you provide me with another email address so I can send the links to you as soon as possible.
Thanks again. Mike (BOTR)
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Posted: 29th Dec 2015 07:05
Hope everyone had a good christmas

I've fixed an issue where some objects e.g. ceilings were not loading in but forcing the application to "bomb out". This was down to a Y offset issue, so the M3 ceilings for example now load in and are displayed ok. They also are fine in GameGuru. So if you have any segments that were not loading in, these will be fixed in the next update. This only (or seems to) affect ceiling meshes.

Am now starting to work on a basic segment editor so that you will be able to choose a basic building block e.g. floor/wall/ceiling and then choose any texture you want. I am also going to go back and add buttons to the "single segment" functionality so that you will be able to change textures for each mesh too.

Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 30th Dec 2015 11:24
Here is a short video showing a glimpse of the Welder Segment Editor + minor fix applied in version 3.5.5 of the tool.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2015 18:54
You have been making very good tutorials showing on how to use this great tool and what you are doing to make it even better ..

A thought : How about the ability to make bigger segments than the standard size like double (or more) width / length or height . The seg editor shows a 9x9 grid so why not be able to fill it . I see prefabs being done with your editor . You know , more room to put in stairs and things like that .


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Posted: 30th Dec 2015 19:03
@Lance- Excellent idea-this will be the way to go...... thanks for your thoughts
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Posted: 1st Jan 2016 18:10
wow cant wait for this version great work
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Posted: 1st Jan 2016 19:37 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2016 08:58
@devlin - thanks it should be good (hopefully).

Some of the features will include:

- choose size of your segment i.e. length/width/height
- select base segment types e.g. corner piece, straight, dead-end, basic room pieces
- add and change meshes
- change mesh textures including DINS textures
- apply effects to DINS textures
- copy/delete meshes
- auto apply textures already loaded in system to meshes
- rotate segment
- save a segment project
- load a segment project
- save segment

and loads more....

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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 11:00
Well done on creating an awesome and amazingly useful tool. I did not realise until today that we can now resurrect all the old FPSC Classic segments and convert them to useable GameGuru entities! I am just about to start putting pen to paper on the design for the 'Easy Building Editor', which is currently ranked number one in the community voting charts, and this video has re-enforced my idea that it should be based on clicking entities together to create larger structures. Thanks for posting, and best of luck adding more features. I'll buy a copy when I start the building editor work as I think it would be a cool tool for creating some 'starter' pieces for the 'building editor' module
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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 12:52
Happy New Year to all.

@leebamber-Many thanks Lee for your kind comments. The tool came about by pure accident after playing around in Fragmotion attempting to rebuild some of the FPSC segments manually using the info from FPS files and thought maybe I could do it programatically and it kind of evolved from there. Can't wait for the 'Easy Building Editor', that will be an awesome tool to have for GameGuru.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 22:43

Quote: " I'll buy a copy when I start the building editor work as I think it would be a cool tool for creating some 'starter' pieces for the 'building editor' module "

See people. Even Lee wants a copy of this... It's that good! Well done BOTR.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 07:23
@seppgirty-many thanks for your comment. I know , this is incredible wasn't expecting that at all. I guess I won't need to write a construction kit now

ok, so not much in terms of 'Segment Editor' updates as work is quite busy but I have been toying with some ideas and I think I will go back to pen and paper and rethink some things.

The Demo version has been updated and is now based on version 3.5.5 code (to bring it up-to-date and resolve some old issues) but a lot of the features have also been disabled and only 10 segments can be saved out.

Hopefully, I can start work on the Seg Editor again soon and also look into the possibility of bringing dynamic FPSC level entities into GG.

Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 15:34
Will send everyone that has purchased an updated 3.5.4 (3.5.5) which will include a couple of minor fixes i.e. welding M3 ceilings and some other ceiling meshes were causing the app to bomb out due to unable to load in the object and to fix an error when clicking on the 'Weld' button after already 'Welding' on same segment as well as a minor fix for XP users. I will do this after work.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 19:42
The tool (demo and full version) have now been fully tested on WinXP, Win7, Win8/8.1/Windows 10 and work without issues. The XP error upon running was due to the dreaded 'A:' drive and the program now ignores this drive and also the colour issues within XP are fixed. Tested Win8 on my laptop without problems. Glad these issues are now resolved as they were niggling me.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 20:23
Dropbox links now sent to all users that purchased the official release. This contains version 3.5.5, so now you should find that you can load in ceiling segments without error plus other minor issues resolved... phew!!! Segment Editor here we come.....
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 14:11
Welder tool (both Demo and Full versions) now tested in Windows Vista (32 bit) and work fine.
If anyone does have any issues , please let me know.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2016 17:34
I just bought this after trying the Demo version as I could not test that properly - it did not want to save a welded segment the save button being disabled.

If I can get the full version to work I look forward to taking it for a spin and perhaps killing GG. Don't think it handle some of my FPSC levels which are large and complex without GG fps falling through the floor, but who knows.

Anyway, pleased to support the development here.

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