a few items added to my list for v3.6, some already done:
will add more as I come across anything that I think needs improvement or adding
1. [DONE]reuse the original ZIP code so WINRAR not required for install
[DONE]a. get the TEXTURES folder with textures to be included in the zip file
2. [DONE] Add x64 OS detection code.
3. [DONE]fix/improve drive detection
4. [DONE]fix/improve program Files/program Files (X86) detection
5. [DONE]fix/improve FPSC X10 install detection
6. [DONE]set all export formats to default to .X and NOT DBO
[DONE]a. allow .X export for both Punch and SegEditor tool line 7924?
7. [DONE-now perfect]improve P pause code during segment rotation in preview window- it's still not quite correct
8. [DONE]Ensure .DBO file is deleted if exporting to .X [segment side only I think]
9. Add in .X animation code export ability for dynamic animated segments
10. [DONE]Point to correct FPSCX10 executables folder upon choosing an FPSC X10 level for import
11. May add OBJ import/export support (first draft).
12. Segment editor-[DONE]add missing camera icon + functionality + [TO DO]FPE creation + generally make better
[DONE]a. remove DBO file if exported as X file
[DONE]b. point to segment folder in GameGuru [if already created]
[DONE]c. allow user to change meshes for floor/wall etc [ok I admit the seg editor was knocked up quick
13. [DONE]improve temp files area cleanup
14. [DONE]add in GUI numeric XYZ edit boxes for precise positioning/rotating of objects for both Punch and Segment Editor tools
15. [DONE]remove tempdbo object residue files from root drive
16. [DONE]Add "Are you sure?" message prompt upon premature closure of all preview windows to allow user to continue without losing work
17. [DONE-G key (for GUI?)] Add key function to allow user to hide/show Punch/Weld/Seg Editor GUI
18. [DONE]Add code to adjust placement of GUI gadgets upon maximising/resizing window
19. [DONE]Fix Punch Camera initial position/rotation.
20. Allow user to view Punch/SegEditor current segment save folders
21. Allow user to create store zip for Punch and SegEditor tool created segments
22. Remove any unnecessary window popups where appropriate-use status bar instead
99. **Anything else to add will go here later***
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT