thanks Dave,
Here's an update on issues fixed/outstanding. I wanted to get the current problems sorted before proceeding further and adding stuff:
List of issues/bugs/niggles/gripes etc
6. Floor/Ceiling pieces not saving out correctly when below 0,0,0 XYZ coords e.g. in FM only the floor shows e.g. X10 WW2....bunker fighting area ceiling.fps. Ummmmm what to do???
1. [FIXED-wasn't finding max object selection correctly-ugh]-Unable to remove first floor part if a 2nd floor part has been placed and then removed. Looking into the FPS file this seems to be a ceiling piece under a floor piece. Still I need to fix it, it's annoying
2. [FIXED-was down to path not being included in the equation - doh]
Graphical buttons-counts incorrect for some segments e.g. M3.../rooms/workshop green low.fps
This segment should only have 4 of each wall part not 8.
3. [FIXED-was down to some code affecting orientation-now removed rogue line-works ok again]
Placement of first segment part incorrect when the floor has been initially moved/tilted etc.
4. [FIXED-see pic]resizedthumb bmp file 64x64 not correct if different screen res used intead of 640/480.
5. [FIXED]-Some segments not saving segment in it's entirety e.g. dark egypt...stairwell, the end wall is missing in FM
same bug existed in SegAutoWelder, it's either camera or object issue. IS ok if I move the object 100 in Z direction
7. [FIXED]-unique meshlist text file not being deleted upon new segment file being selected.
8. [FIXED]-some meshes not being found e.g. sciencepack/window.fps-window.fpe mesh in entitybank folder
9. [FIXED-added code to detect if segment floor is present or not]-Random object not found in relation to the segment floor sometimes after a period of time.
so almost there. Exporting of animated segments next and automating the saving process. that will be the basics out of the way and then add in an options page like the level options. Maybe revise the GUI and see if I really need the text menu and just have buttons??
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder