Great job- this tool looks really awesome.
I can definitely see a future use for myself with a tool like this.
Kit building is kindof a hassle without any sort of automation, and being able to extract segments from FPS creator Is a very new much-needed feature.
I have some questions though, or maybe feature suggestions, that I know would help me tremendously with producing content.
My main question is that is it possible in this program to output all the files necessary to make the entity, for example, the textures, the audio files, the meshes, and the FPEs into one single entity bank folder?
to better understand my question - my ideal solution would be converting a FPSC floor segment like this:
My understanding is the current state of the program, the files are output like this, similar to their input structure:
Input floor
For me Ideally, when preparing content for store uploads, the kit pieces would export everything into one single folder like this:
Output floor
What this does is keeps all the necessary files under one folder, so that it can be uploaded to the game guru store without any hassle whatsoever, this tool would literally be a lifesaver if it could output this type of way. I have a huge backlog of segments that I produced for FPS creator back in the day that I want to add to gameguru. But I haven't had a way to automate the process in a store friendly way.
Keep up the great work this tool is so promising and exciting I will be following this as it develops.