Well that is odd, you were right mate the installed files were in a folder scenery why it could not find them.
works now, nice fix. Thanks.
PS weapons the millsno36_grenade ? can not seem to get this one to work it pulls pin throws but nothing shows
or explodes, is this one still being worked on?, also Target Sights is not quite right its to the left is this also
still being worked on?
I have sorted the ammo pick up, this is the Fpe for Mas_36_Ammo
;Entity Spec
desc = Mas_36_Ammo
;Identity Details
isweapon = ww2\mas_36
quantity = 1
speed = 100
isimmobile = 1
aiinit =
aimain = weapon.lua
aidestroy =
textured = gamecore\guns\ww2\mas_36\ammo_D2.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
transparency = 1
isimmobile = 1
model = mas_36_ammo.X
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 100
fixnewy = 0
spawnmax = 1
spawndelay = 500
spawnqty = 1
decalmax = 1
decal0 = glowzone
You will need to copy and paste replace the Gun spec with this below ( all will work provided you have the Fpe & .x files for
Mas_36_ & Mas_36_Ammo in GameGuru weapons folder.
If anyone wants the textures I have done let me know I will add them.
;// Mas_36 Sniper Rifle
;// Revision 1.0 27/03/16
;// Right-Click to Scope-In
;// Ammunition
poolammo = rifle
reloadqty = 5
chamberedround = 1
noautoreload = 0
nofullreload = 1
forcezoomout = 1
addtospare = 0
npcignorereload = 0
;// Range and damage
damage = 20
damagetype = 2
range = 20000
iterate = 0
force = 100
scorchtype = 1
noscorch = 0
;// Depth Of Field Zoom Override
dofdistance = 0
dofintensity = 0
zoomhidecrosshair = 0
;// Accuracy
simplezoom = 7
accuracy = 100
runacc = 300
simplezoomacc = 1
second = 0
;// HUD handling characteristics
recoily = 70
recoilyreturn = 80
recoilx = 10
recoilxreturn = 80
zoomrecoily = 50
zoomrecoilyreturn = 90
zoomrecoilx = 1.5
zoomrecoilxreturn = 95
gunlagspeed = 9
gunlagxmax = 3
gunlagymax = 3
simplezoommode = 1
simplezoomspeed = 6
;// Visuals
zoomscope = scope1.dds
textured = gun_D2.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\weapon_bone.fx
transparency = 2
minpolytrim = 0
;// GUN HUD (0-colt,1-magnum,2-uzi,3-shotgun,4-rifle,5-rpg)
statuspanelcode = 4
;// WEAPON Style (1-pistol,2-rocket,3-shotgun,4-uzi,5-assault)
weapontype = 5
;// NPC Decal
decal = muzzleflash4
decalforward = 125
;//Model positions
horiz = 0
vert = 2
forward = -5
runy = -7
simplezoommod = 0
simplezoomx = 100
simplezoomy =
;// Muzzleflash
muzzleflash = 4
muzzlesize = 180
smokedecal = smoke1
smokespeed = 0
alignx = 15
aligny = -6
alignz = 140
;// Brass System
brass = 0
;// HUD ANIMATION (timeline 0-?)
keyframe ratio = 1
simplezoomanim = 0
useempty = 0
disablemovespeedmod = 0
select = 0,17
idle = 18,52
move = 54,70
run = 586,604
start fire = 0
end fire = 0
startreload = 79,91
reloadloop = 92,103
endreload = 105,125
fire = 175,206
putaway = 1026,1040
zoommode = 1
zoomto = 0
zoomfrom = 0
zoom idle = 0
zoom move = 0
zoom start fire = 0
zoom end fire = 0
empty select = 0
empty idle = 0
empty move = 0
empty run = 0
empty reload = 0
empty putaway = 0
empty zoomto = 0
empty zoomfrom = 0
empty zoom idle = 0
empty zoom move = 0
melee start = 714,719
melee end = 720,733
;// GUN Sounds (0-zoom,1-fire,2-reload,3-dryfire,4-putaway)
sound0 = zoom.wav
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = zoom.wav
sound5 = open.wav
sound6 = loadbullet.wav
sound7 = close.wav
fireloop = 0
;// HUD sound frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
soundframes = 4
sframe0 = 175,1
sframe1 = 79,5
sframe2 = 92,6
sframe3 = 105,7