Weapons tool is great, just a note your video does not show that you need to copy & paste the original FPE & Image files from Classic FPSC
to GG as the tool does not do this, Just for newbies This Info.
The fpe needs to be edited and also the out put game spec file also needs modding like so
and apart from textures it works fine.
desc = Bazooka
;Identity Details
isweapon = ww2\bazooka
quantity = 1
isimmobile = 1
aiinit =
aimain = weapon.lua
aidestroy =
textured = gamecore\guns\ww2\bazooka\gun_D2.dds
reducetexture = -1
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
model = gamecore\guns\ww2\bazooka\Bazooka.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 0
materialindex = 2
scale = 100
soundset = audiobank\misc\weapon.wav
strength = 0
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 0
spawnmax = 1
spawndelay = 5000
spawnqty = 1
decalmax = 1
decal0 = glowred
gunspec Txt>
;// WW2 Rocket Launcher
;// Revision 1.0 26/03/2016
;// Right-Click to Aim Down Sights
;// Ammunition
poolammo = rpg
flak = ww2\bazooka
projectile = rpggrenade
reloadqty = 1
altreloadqty = 1
weaponisammo = 0
noautoreload = 0
nofullreload = 1
forcezoomout = 1
addtospare = 1
npcignorereload = 0
;// Range and damage
range = 3000
altrange = 3000
damage = 100
altdamage = 7
damagetype = 0
force = 100
scorchtype = 4
noscorch = 0
;// Accuracy
iterate = 0
altiterate = 20
accuracy = 1
altaccuracy = 6
runacc = 1
simplezoom = 1
simplezoomacc = 1
zoomaccuracy = 70
zoomaccuracybreath = 5000
zoomaccuracybreathhold = 1
zoomaccuracyheld = 1
zoomholdbreath = 16
;// HUD handling characteristics
zoomwalkspeed = 0.2
zoomturnspeed = 0.3
plrmovespeedmod = 0.5
plremptyspeedmod = 0.6
plrturnspeedmod = 0.8
plrjumpspeedmod = 0.5
plrreloadspeedmod = 0.1
recoily = 60
altrecoily = 120
recoilyreturn = 80
altrecoilyreturn = 70
recoilx = 10
altrecoilx = 30
recoilxreturn = 80
altrecoilxreturn = 80
zoomrecoily = 50
zoomrecoilyreturn = 90
zoomrecoilx = 1.5
zoomrecoilxreturn = 95
zoomgunlagspeed = 6
zoomgunlagxmax = 4
zoomgunlagymax = 6
gunlagspeed = 9
gunlagxmax = 3
gunlagymax = 3
simplezoomspeed = 6
simplezoomspeed = 6
disablerunandshoot = 1
reloadspeed = 100
;// Visuals
textured = gun_D.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\weapon_bone.fx
transparency = 2
minpolytrim = 32
;// GUN HUD (0-colt,1-magnum,2-uzi,3-shotgun,4-rifle,5-rpg)
statuspanelcode = 5
;// WEAPON Style (1-pistol,2-rocket,3-shotgun,4-uzi,5-assault)
weapontype = 2
;// NPC Decal
decal = muzzleflash4
decalforward = 150
;//Model positions
horiz = 0
vert = 2
forward = -2
runy = -7
simplezoom = 1
simplezoommod = -7
simplezoomx = 0
simplezoomy = -3
;// Muzzleflash
muzzlecolorR = 168
muzzlecolorG = 100
muzzlecolorB = 36
muzzleflash = 4
altmuzzleflash = 4
simplezoomflash = 1
muzzlesize = 200
smoke = 1
smokedecal = gunsmoke
smokespeed = 14
alignx = 18
aligny = -6
alignz = 140
zoommode = 0
zoomalignx = 6
zoomaligny = -2
zoomalignz = 140
forcezoomout = 1
;// Brass System
brass = 0
;// HUD ANIMATION (timeline 0-?)
keyframe ratio = 1
simplezoomanim = 1
disablemovespeedmod = 0
alternateisray = 1
select = 0,17
alt select = 0,17
Idle = 18,51
alt idle = 18,51
Move = 55,70
alt move = 55,70
melee start = 714,719
melee end = 720,733
start fire = 72,76
alt start fire = 72,76
end fire = 77,86
alt end fire = 77,86
altfireloop = 11000
reload = 88,137
alt reload = 139,199
putaway = 1025,1040
alt putaway = 1026,1040
run = 586,604
altfrom = 421,470
altto = 376,420
zoomto = 207,212
zoomfrom = 279,284
zoom idle = 213,233
zoom move = 236,259
zoom start fire = 261,264
zoom end fire = 272,276
;// GUN Sounds (0-zoom,1-fire,2-reload,3-dryfire,4-putaway)
sound0 = zoom.wav
altsound0 = zoom.wav
sound1 = fire.wav
altsound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = putaway.wav
sound5 = retrieve.wav
fireloop = 0
;HUD sound frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
soundframes = 4
sframe0 = 77,1
sframe1 = 95,2
Well done mate you have really outdone yourself Top Man.....