@Ozziedave-G'day to you too
Glad you like the scaling. Yes, it will definitely be good to have NPC's capable of moving above terrain level, although I'm not sure how long the wait will be or how long I want to wait. Will have to see what happens this year.
The FPSC level side is pretty much done now with the DNS side now kicking in which seems FPSC X10 mainly used these textures, but I've yet to find a shader that works with them apart from the standard entity_basic.fx in GameGuru. I've used Dark Shader to play around with some shaders but can't seem to get any to work even after tweaking/recompiling.
I was going to play around futher with Dynamic entities, but want to focus on the idea Uman suggested and that's to remove the horrible numbering of the segment parts and replace this with graphical representation where you can point and click and/or drag drop each part onto the screen. That will be interesting and much better. I will go back to my old code I did a while back and start to develop something a lot more sophisticated. As mentioned before the whole GUI needs a total overhaul so there will be big changes in the GUI and tool functionality, hopefully for the better.
After the point/click of parts feature, I'll concentrate on Dynamic Entites and Segment Editor + updates to Punch/Weld tool. Not sure what TGC's EBE will be like, but I may put the construction kit back on my list as I would like to program my own separate tool so if I do create one it will be a totally new tool outside of the Welder app. Will have to see
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; LG TFT monitor (widescreen). Wanting a new PC at some point.
Interests: Drumming, Saxophone, Art, Theatre, Music.