Tutorials & Guides / [LOCKED] Modelling Video Series

henry ham
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 17:28
cheers mate

Quote: "Are you thinking of making your own tutorials? Or is this to capture game footage? "

ive been asked to do a few tutorials so im trying out a few capture programs out to see how i get on

cheers henry

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Posted: 12th Jun 2014 11:01
Jay.. you're my saver! thank you so much!! your tutorial are great! helped me a lot, many many thanks!!!!

may ask you if is it possible to create transparent (like glass), glow (visible in darkness like a computer monitor) objects in blender?


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Posted: 12th Jun 2014 13:41

You are very welcome my friend.

Transparency is possible, but, this is handled in the texture. So, if you are using Gimp or Photoshop, you would add your alpha channel there.

To make something glow, this again is partly to do with the
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Posted: 16th Jun 2014 12:28
thanks again, i'm having fun with blender, now the stupid question: can i use shaders created for unity? i would create Gold objects with reflecting surface.. i tried to use the water shader included in fpscr but without success..

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Posted: 20th Jun 2014 10:02 Edited at: 20th Jun 2014 10:03
Steohl72 wrote: "Well, something is VERY wrong...

I use Blender 2.70 and FPSCR 1.006

In Blender, just for testing, I use the default cube, deleting only one side (face).

When saving (DirectX) with option Left Handed, I got a whole black cube, regardless of how many sides (faces) I've deleted ?!

When saving with option Right Handed I got like the normals are inverted, but they are not.

AND the most strangly is if I try use both of the models above (one saved with left handed option, the other with right handed option). The only one that will dispay in both editor and in game, is the first one added in the editor.

Is there major bugs in the exportfunction in Blender and/or is it also problems with FPSCR?

This is running me complete mad. Can't see any logic.

Is it just me or does someone else have these strange behaviors as well? "

Hello i'm still using version 2.69.. but i noticed that on blender homepage version 2.71RC2 is out, maybe it fix your problems..


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Posted: 20th Jul 2014 11:33
Hey unfamillia.
First of all I wanted to thank you for your tutorials, they were great and they really helped me. I was wondering if you are still working on the treasure chest tutorials as it would help with showing me the basics of animation.
Thanks again man
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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 20:22 Edited at: 24th Jul 2014 20:24
I have had a few requests to make a simple video to show the basics of animation within Blender. Sooooooo, without further ado.....here it is!

The video is here (may still be uploading)

You will have to excuse the poor model that I created, but, time is of the essence and I still have a fair amount of work to be doing on my competition level! I just couldn't leave you guys hanging without this sweet tasty knowledge!

I expect to see some more awesome animated models, from you guys, in the store soon!

If you have any questions, as always, please feel to ask. I will help as much as I can. (I may not be able to respond for the next few days as I have a load of stuff that I need to concentrate on with my competition entry)



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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 23:16
Quote: "To make something glow, this again is partly to do with the texture and part to do with a shader.

In order to make something glow, you need to create another texture map called an 'illumination' map. This is a black and white texture. Black meaning 'Not illuminated' and white meaning 'illuminated'. So, in your diffuse texture, simply use your select tool and select the screen section of the texture and paint it white, then invert the selection and paint that black.

Save the new image file as (yourtexturename)_I.dds

Make sure you have the suffix of _I after your texture name, as this is the part that tells the shader what type of image it is. "

Jay, I am missing something in your instructions. Could you possibly clarify exactly what to invert and paint black. Maybe show an example.
The tuts you make are so very helpful and have been needed for a long time. Thanks.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2014 00:51
Quote: "Jay, I am missing something in your instructions. Could you possibly clarify exactly what to invert and paint black. Maybe show an example.
The tuts you make are so very helpful and have been needed for a long time. Thanks."

Of course mate. Glad my tutorials can help.

This is obviously the diffuse texture. (from my SciFi Light)

All you need to do is draw a rectangle around the area that you want to 'mask' off. In this case, I chose the rectangle select tool.

When you have selected the area that you want to have illuminated, invert the selection (Ctrl+I)

Then delete everything else and using the bucket fill tool, simply fill in the void with black (or you can use your brush tool and paint the area in black)

When you have 'blacked out' the rest of the texture, you should be left with the coloured area, that you want to illuminate. Invert the selection again (thus selecting the non black area)

Then with the coloured section being selected, desaturate it.

You will then need to change the brightness values of the area you have you desaturated. Do this by changing the Brightness/Contrast settings.

When you are happy with the brightness of the illuminated area, you will need to export it all with the correct suffix (YourTextureName_I.dds)

This is the finished Illumination map.

Sorry for the image heavy post! Its a bit late for me to be recording videos now! Hope this helps mate.



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Posted: 25th Jul 2014 01:34
Nice quick and dirty tutorial, this gives us rookies a starting place. Thanks Jay
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Posted: 25th Jul 2014 01:47
awesome, Jay, thanks.

mk83 Productions

Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 25th Jul 2014 02:04
I haven't looked at this thread in a very long time. Looks like I got me some videos to watch! Thanks, Jay!

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Posted: 28th Jul 2014 12:30
@Wildman4, MK83, Jerry Tremble,

You're welcome guys, I hope it helps. Also, hope to see some of your animated models in the store soon!



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Posted: 1st Aug 2014 21:34
Hi Jay really enjoyed the Door animation. Im very new to Blender and getting my head around FPSR. Its just the exporting thing is a bit of a thing i am having trouble with it x dont seem to be in Blender 7.1 and using other stuff to import your items ie copying a another file if this makes sense. Could you do one that is a bit slower and just the cube into fprsr would be great.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2014 10:35
i had massive drama's trying export in 1.7 aswell, use blender 1.69, going back to that version solved all my problems

PC Specs: Windows 7 home 64-bit, Amd 7900 3gb DDR5 graphics, 8gb DDR3 Ram, Intel i7 3.4ghz

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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 06:14
hey, been a little while since your last vid and was wondering if you could maybe do a more in depth video for UV mapping, i'm still struggling to get a good map on that walkway i sent you (which i have an updated much nicer looking version of now ). Even a quick and dirty one for blender would be awesome, cheers for all your video's but they have helped me greatly in my attempts to model

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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 09:47
I will see what I can do mate.

Most of my attention has been taken by messing around with UE4. I am working on a new version of my old game Impuzzable, but, I want to make it a side scrolling game. UE4 is just unbelievable when it comes to how it handles textures and shaders!

I haven't opened Reloaded in about 3-4 weeks! I will come back to it, I always do, as NOTHING beats it's usability and fun factor.

I will try to go over some UV mapping tonight for you. Can you do me a favour and send me the blend file for your walkway? I will do the tutorial using your model, that way, you will know exactly what to do.



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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 09:58
Yep just on my way to work now but and that files not backed up on my cloud so will be at least 12 hours before I can send it I'm afraid. That would be awesome but, never tried UE4 but have mucked around in unity, I agree however its easy to come back to reloaded for ease of use, and if u haven't check out wizards sewer pack, its a very inspiring set

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 05:23 Edited at: 29th Aug 2014 06:00
Ok i zipped up the .blend file to make it nice and small and I'm going to upload here so anyone can use it to follow, hopefully not too much wrong with it . I imported a masked soldier and checked scale according to that and found scale up by 26 times seems to be a nice size, theres a png in the zip file showing what 26 times scale looks like but i have left it unscaled (I like working with the grid). Thanks for anything you can for me and anyone else who is struggling with this.

oh and also by the way i forgot to clear seams and reset UV before uploading (also because i only just figured out how to rest UV's ), so will probably need to do that first up . and on second thought that looks like the step are too small for the soldier, also removing doubles needs to be done as this removes around 180 verts. i think scale by 32 looks better.

PC Specs: Windows 7 home 64-bit, Amd 7900 3gb DDR5 graphics, 8gb DDR3 Ram, Intel i7 3.4ghz

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 09:44
I will get this sorted as soon as I can.

If anything needs to be fixed with the model, I will detail everything for you in the video. This should be a good exercise as it will show me what people might be struggling with or what little errors need to be tweaked.



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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 05:08
any news on how much i stuffed up on this model

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 09:57
Sorry mate. I haven't had chance yet to even look at it yet.

I will try my hardest to get it done tonight when I get back from golf.

After looking at the model previously, I don't think you made any serious errors. Just a few simple mistakes that are easily rectified. I will cover it all in the video. Don't worry, I won't slate you in the video. It will help other people that are just starting out, that might be making the same mistakes.



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Posted: 11th Sep 2014 12:42
Any luck on this one?

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Posted: 12th Sep 2014 08:55
Hi mate,

Sorry, I actually sat down the other night and started recording the video, but, then my youngest daughter started crying, so, I paused the recording to see what was wrong and she had...... 'made a mess' of her crib. That took a while to clean up! After that, I came back to the computer and realised that I hadn't pressed pause, I had pressed Discard! I will have another go soon.

I know you are waiting patiently and I apologise for the delay.



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Posted: 12th Sep 2014 09:25
No problems I have a newborn myself, 5 weeks old so I understand, don't get the computer time that I used too : D

PC Specs: Windows 7 home 64-bit, Amd 7900 3gb DDR5 graphics, 8gb DDR3 Ram, Intel i7 3.4ghz

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James Blade
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Posted: 21st Sep 2014 05:03
just like to say I found this tutorial very helpful and informative.
I tried to follow a very similar tutorial over on blender cookie and it had me scratching my head early on, with this tutorial I was able to follow right along and understand exactly how you was doing each step.
I originally started reading this thread to learn about the scale issues between blender and FPSCR, and although it doesn't look like there is a simple answer to the scale issue I still came out learning a lot more about the process then I did to begin with, so I would say it was a win.

good job unfamilla, I hope to see more tutorials from you in the future.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 12:26
Hi James,

Thanks for the kind words. I am glad my videos could help you.

I do want to release more videos, but, I struggle finding the time these days! I work all week, don't finish until 6pm, go home, spend a few hours with my girls, then bath them and put them to bed, have some tea and relax with the wife for a while, then jump on the PC and get cracking on my paid design work. All the while, trying to fit in a game of golf occasionally and a bit of my own game dev time!

As soon as I can, I will be recording some more videos and uploading them.

I have promised AuShadow a new video and haven't been able to do that yet! Sorry!



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Posted: 26th Oct 2014 23:23
@unfamillia, Enjoyed, the vids on how to make the concrete barrier. was you going to do a vid on a treasure chest? or something of that nature with an open and closing lid? hint hint.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2014 21:41
Just wanted to say thanks for the tutorials, decided not to go for the concrete barrier because everyone is doing it lol, did a rusty oil drum instead! Here it is in-game:

Not bad for a first effort I reckon, made the rusty metal texture myself too but went overboard with the rust I think...looks like it's been underwater for years lol

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Posted: 28th Dec 2014 22:18

Good first effort mate! It goes to show that you have managed to model, mark seams and unwrap, make a texture, export correctly and import it to the engine! Good work!


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Posted: 31st Dec 2014 17:12
Cheers mate, although I did the 'for lazy people' option for unwrapping though lol. Thanks again for your help in the other thread too mate. I've now done a straight corridor to go with my dead end one, just 108 polys. Going to take the unlazy way for unwrapping this time around so that I don't get my walls, floor and ceiling mixed up lol.

Was just wondering what the texture width and height size is in models. My models in Blender are 100 x 100 which is a standard square in FPSC and while I've made my ceiling texture seamless it has a painted line through the middle which I want to line up with the light in the middle of the ceiling, so I'd like that texture to cover the ceiling so that it lines up properly. Or does it depend on the resolution that the game is running in..?

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2015 15:08
Unfamilia, you are a god... no tutorial ever made me really understand it, 15 minutes into your tutorial gave me like a dozen AHA!! fx

awesome tut, very well explained... i´ll watch them all, many thanks
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Posted: 6th May 2015 18:50
can you do some videos for a gun?

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