Product Chat / Terrain: What's good, and what needs improvement?

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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 17:43 Edited at: 12th Nov 2013 17:45
I think mouselook when editing the terrain is the way to go.As some people here have said Looking down when edditing terain just dosent feel right.All other programs i have tried all use mouselook,just my thoughts .


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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 23:09
If you right click and hold when in the Level Brush Mode, you will get some random heights to make the ground a little more bumpy. I do agree that we need a heap more terrain editing tools, but I think we all agree we need performance and stability (predictability) more. Plenty of time for more buttons later, and good ideas so far. I think we can narrow down a few we all agree on.

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Posted: 13th Nov 2013 00:55
Quote: "If you right click and hold when in the Level Brush Mode, you will get some random heights to make the ground a little more bumpy."

That has negligible effect for me - or is this a feature for the forthcoming beta3?

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Posted: 13th Nov 2013 01:34
as explosys mentioned, I think it is important to be able to change the map size.

so as not to have wasted space and wasted performance

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Posted: 13th Nov 2013 07:07
Wow thanks, I didn't even think you could do that.

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Posted: 14th Nov 2013 01:55
Here is some radical thinking - how about multiple terrain levels with dual sided texturing enabled and the ability to punch holes anywhere in the levels desired - and I mean actual holes to access the varying levels of strata? The ability also to fill water basins at varying levels would be cool and perhaps some sort of river waters that flow with force. On a more progressive line of thinking, an improved method for sharpening terrain modifications would improve this program's viewpoints immensely.

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