Third Party Tools / Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic (Released in TGC Store)

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Posted: 27th Sep 2024 18:36 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2024 19:32
Hello everyone,

Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic - Animate in Minutes

The Motion Path for GameGuru Classic was created, to allow people, whether beginners or even veterans, just following simple instructions, get their characters (NPCs) moving through the game scene in just a few minutes instead of weeks, months or even years trying to learn computer programming.

All the hard work of creating a script, testing it several times until it works properly, spending a lot of time developing it was already done for you.

If you are a GameGuru Classic user, whether beginners or even veterans, this is a must have tool, will help you to save a lot of time, because life time the most precious asset for any person alive in this world.

The Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic is comprised of 40 Lua scripts and 36 waypoint objects.

Have fun and enjoy it.

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Posted: 1st Nov 2024 16:41
Hello everyone,

First of all, I would like to clarify that this is not a taunt, but just curious.

Having said that, I was thinking to myself about this post, which has more than 2,000 views, however this product has sold one unit only , and I would like to thank the forum colleague for his purchase. Thank you very much. I appreciated that.

Getting back to the subject, there is a saying in sales theory that says that you cannot sell a product, whatever it may be, to someone who does not have the money or means (for instance, does not have an international credit card) to buy it.

This is a fact, and I can completely understand it. Who has never wanted to buy something, but did not have the financial resources to do so at that exact moment or even a hundred years from now?

Perhaps, I believe that among the more than 2,000 people who read this post, this may be the reason for not being able to buy the product, but I also believe that this is not the case for all readers.

The question is: If you're interested in reading this post and have the money and means, what's keeping you from buying it? What are the things you are afraid of?

It's possible that you didn't like the product, even if you didn't test it first, right? Ok! I can understand. No problem at all.

It has no use for me now. Ok too. According to sales theory, not all purchases are motivated by utility. For example. No one needs a smartphone with 17 cameras on the back and 18 on the front, but even so, people pay a lot of money to buy it. Nor does anyone need a USD 120,000 (US Dollar) watch to wear on their wrist to display up the time of day, and believe me, there are many people who buy that watch.

And speaking of money... maybe it's the price! Yes! That's the issue for sure! It must certainly be because of the abusive priced thing, that is, it is too high for something so trivial, right? Allow me to disagree, you may have already paid a much higher price for a beer or soda than this product.

So, I ask again:

The question is:If you're interested in reading this post and have the money and means, what's keeping you from buying it? What are the things you are afraid of?


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Posted: 3rd Nov 2024 08:08
Hello, Northern.

I just can speak out for me; usually I love stuff you offer, and I have already bought many of your NPCs, with "Karina" clearly being the top notch GGC female NPC of all times, doing all kinds of "girlie things" (apart from walking behind a bush and squatting down to go p-p )
extremley well.
So, I tried to make out what your Motion Path thing is good for, but I could not.
You told us how great it is and how many items are included, but what your video is/was showing is
just a few characters on the walkabout !?!, nothing more.
Is it a - maybe very elaborated - product to compensate for your NPCs seeming inability to
follow GGC' standard waypoint mechanism ?

Maybe, if you had a least listed the names of your many waypoint types and scripts,
we could have set our imagination what we might possibly achieve with them onto them ?

Basically, for me the result was: Well, I already have Avenging Eadle's CineGuru,
which does all kind of things with "actors " (= NPCs), and on top, there are - amongst other things -
all those fancy camera options - and it is at least partly compatible to CineGuruMAX.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2024 20:44

Thank you for your comment.

Also, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of my products, among the many different types of products in the TGC Store, I am happy to know that you really liked the character Karina and my other characters and products. I appreciated that.

Many people may not realize this, but importing and making a character look reasonable in GameGuru Classic is a very difficult task and the difficulties vary from character to character.

I would like to clarify that my characters (NPCs) are not able to follow the standard waypoint mechanism of GameGuru Classic, because they have their own skeletons that are different from the skeleton used in the standard characters of GG Classic.

The tool you mentioned called Avenging Eadle's CineGuru, unfortunately I am not familiar with, but I tried to learn about it by watching some videos from the product's playlist.

From what I understand, and I may be wrong, the proposal of the Avenging Eadle's CineGuru tool is more powerful, capable of creating cinematic scenes, based on events (for example: entering a type of trigger zone (event)) and actions (do something), as used in the iClone software, however, without having a timeline, but using a written sequence of events and actions.

However, I don't know if it is capable of making my characters (with different skeletons from the standard GameGuru Classic characters, as I mentioned before) follow a specific path determined by that program.

The proposal of Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic is much simpler, that is, you imagine a path that a certain character must follow in the game scene, and using 08 (eight) waypoints (objects) along the desired path that will be followed in a linear manner one after the other. Upon reaching the last waypoint, the character will return to the beginning of the path, by default, creating a loop.

There are no camera movements to set out, in fact I have no idea how a camera moves in GG Classic.

Finally, philosophers say that it is easier to change our expectations about the reality that is presented than to change reality as it is.

Perhaps I made a mistake in my expectations thinking that Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic would be useful to people, especially those who do not have mastery of LUA SCRIPT programming, since GG Classic presents itself as a user-friendly software.

Therefore, I corrected my expectations with reality, and therefore, I regret, but the product MotioPaths for GameGuru Classic will no longer be available for sale, since it only works for GameGuru Classic and no other game engine.

Also, I believe that Avenging Eadle's CineGuru tool could replace my product mentioned above, in a much better way, for sure.

Once again, thank you for your post and for exposing in an open and sincere way your reasons for not buying it. This way, I can now better understand the lack of interest in Motion Paths for GameGuru Classic by the users.

Once again, many thanks for your support. All the best.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2024 23:18 Edited at: 5th Nov 2024 19:42
Hello, Northern
Thank you for your reply and kind words. BTW: I am well aware how GG waypoints work

I think with your NPCs, at lot of "modern civilization" OTHER than modern warfare has been brought to GGC.
Thank you for that; (can't tell you how I actually loathe the "zombie and shooter" plethora in GCC).
Believe it or not, I once even had a female colleague working in Sales Department in real life who really looked
very similar to "Winter Business woman 2" ! Maybe, one of these days, I'll put her in an appropriate game.)

And, when I first saw Karina doing her things, I thought that I heard 60s music group
"The 5th Dimension" (Do you remember the famous musical "Hair"?) in the back of my head crooning:
"Is this the dawning of the
in Gee-Gee-Cee,
in Gee-Gee-Cee!"

That said, I have a ( still very vague) idea in the back of my head for a game that explores this romancing thing, involving up to four characters (one of which probably would then be Karina, another could possibly be the red/brunette haired girl from your motion path video, if you release her as another NPC ) in a jungle plane crash; I'm sure that there are literally dozens (if not hundreds) of movies from the last 70 years or so that cover that situation, but I cannot recall having ever seen a game that does.

Unfortunately, GGC may not be up to the job (and, frankly speaking, I am likewise unsure whether I myself am up to the job, being the "bloody amateur" that I am), but without your NPC models, the very idea would not even have occured to me at all.

Well, we will see what time will bring.
Please keep making good products.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2024 05:07
Hello yrkoon,

The first animated civilian character I made was V.I.P Male, using a very precarious modeling program called MakeHuman. I didn't really like his appearance, but since GG Classic didn't have any V.I.P characters, which are so common in many FPS games, I decided to put V.I.P up for sale, after putting in a lot of work to make him of acceptable quality.

I was also tired of military male characters or medieval female characters. There was nothing modern to choose from that wasn't a zombie.

In the TGC Store, there are several buildings with modern architecture, and in these cities, there were no modern or contemporary civilian characters in GG Classic that could walk on the sidewalks like you see in the Supermarket Simulator or Euro Truck Simulator games, just to name a few.

Now, for post-apocalypse themes, with destroyed buildings, there are hordes of zombie characters that users can use at will in their projects.

In FPS Creator Classic, there was a 3D model package called Office, very good, unfortunately, I'm sorry, but I don't remember who the author was. However, the existing civilians did not able sit down at all or type anything. They were always walking, running, dying or standing still.

So I decided to create the character Winter Business Woman 1 and 2, who would be two versions (with different clothes) of the same character to work in some kind of office, or even a federal agent, to investigate something.

In general, artists, architects, and modelers look for references in the real world, whether in movies, games, books, pictures, etc., to get some ideas for composing their projects.

With my female NPCs, I also look for references from real people to model their appearance. It is not about replicating a person, but observing facial features, eyes, hair styles and clothes, among other things, before creating a character.

Maybe this may explain why you think a certain character looks like someone you know or have met in the past.

Regarding the musical Hair, I only watched the movie, with an excellent soundtrack and plot.

You mentioned romance games. In fact, it seems that these types of games, which I call relationship games, are all the rage now.

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to play a South Korean game, with English subtitles, called Five Hearts Under One Roof, available on Steam, which has just been released for sale, with a free demo for you to try out the game. I really liked it, it's very interesting, I had never played this type of game, and I intend to buy it in the near future, to see how the full game works. However, It's a very family-friendly relationship game, but there is no obscenity at all, as some might think due to the type of game.

There are also other similar games, Chinese, some with English subtitles and others not, but I haven't had the opportunity to test them yet.

The Five Hearts Under One Roof it looks like an RPG type game, where your choices will bring about certain consequences (good or bad) for the player.

Who knows, you might be able to take some ideas presented in the demo game as references, to use in your future romantic game projects.

I won't be adding any new products to the TGC Store this year, but there's a chance that I'll do something again in 2025, if possible.

The Christmas season is approaching quickly, and soon it will be Christmas again, renewing our strength and hope for the upcoming New Year 2025.

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Posted: 5th Nov 2024 15:52
Hi, Northern .
Not sure whether this is good news or bad news for you:
I could check your characters against Cine Guru, and that generally seems to be working for simple aimations like with
Winter Business Woman 2's "typing" or "idling" or "giving someone the lip whether he is crazy" anims, because
the respective animation is called by directly issuing the animation frame number range.

What does not work out of the box is CG's "Move" command, which seems to implicitly rely on GGs standard walk animation frame numbers; this leads to WBW2 attaining the last frame of the "sit&type" animation, then moving along the desired path,
but this looks like she is riding a wheel chair just having forgotten to actually bring along the wheel chair )) .

But, maybe, this is even possibly a long term opportunity for you, given that you are one of the very few modellers offering "everyday people models", since this is 95% of a fully blown wheel chair rider, just some arms animation to propel the wheel chair is missing. Just saying.
And there seem to be some forces in existence who try to push the D.E.I. paradigm onto "modern" games, so, who knows ... Also : even "ALIEN Resurrection" had a wheel chair rider.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2024 04:27


I want to thank you for taking the time to test and report here on this post whether some of my animated NPC characters were compatible with the Cine GameGuru tool.

Based on your report, I was surprised to learn that the animated models tested were at least partially compatible with Cine GameGuru, because as I mentioned before, my NPC characters do not have the standard skeleton used in the standard characters of GG Classic.

I don't know if it was checked, but it would be good if the initial and final animations, which were written in the tool mentioned above, during the test, correspond exactly to the values ​​of the animations listed in the file of the type (*.fpe) of the tested NPCs, otherwise it could have shown some deformation existing between two animations (which I call transition errors between animations).

A list with all the animations with their respective initial and final frames appears at the bottom of the file of the type *.fpe of each animated NPC character. I believe it is worth checking those values.

Regarding the animation showing a wheelchair user, it's a good tip. I'll think about this idea for my future animated model projects, but I don't like to create expectations, because the future is something very uncertain and unpredictable most of the time.

Once again, thank you for your attention and time spent testing the NPCs and reporting the results found in the previous post.

That's it.

Best regards.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2024 16:54
yes, you are right that it may not be so easy; yesterday, I just took the animation frame numbers of each animation from winter business woman 2's fpe created an entry for each animation and let them play. That seemed to work, technically, but I didn't actually match
the animations' descriptions to what was displayed.

Today, I found that the displayed animation does not really match the description.
So, I assigned ai_viewanimations.lua to winter business woman 1 (she seems to have more anims ?) , took notes and
set the CG actions to the frame numbers gleaned from ai_viewanimations.lua, and that worked.
BUT: generally, it looks as if the frame numbers that ai_viewanimations.lua is "seeing" are offset by 100 (give or take a few) relatively to
the frame numbers from the fpe!
Also, (this may be a CG problem): having several identical action lines in the CG control file such as
; 23->40 seems to be the walking anim
will play the first anim properly and the following two at immense speed,
plays a virtually long lasting walking anim - with a little hickup in the middle.

I will have to look deeper into this, but I have not much time available a.t.m.
If the offset is an invariant, that might be possible to correct in the CG luas.
Maybe, there is need to Avenging eagle on the CG discord

Best regards

Lives of great men all remind us we may make our lives sublime
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