Another quick way to get some new T-shirts for the male character:
if you go into the character parts folder for the male and find the default white shirt named "adult male body 03_color" look at the other similar T-shirts. It appears they all use the same normal, surface texture,mask and .dbo but just change out the color texture and add a letter after the 03. So if you were to take the color texture for the blank white shirt and then find a cool design to stamp onto it you could have a new looking shirt. You would want to rename the texture with a different letter so it doesn't write over one of the current textures and then all you have to do is make a thumbnail. You would name it something like this:
adult male body (bc1 dds format)
adult male body 03z.png (thumbnail)
and for every shirt after that you would work your way down from Z. You could even change the color of the shirt along with the design. No modeling experience required! Last thing, don't forget to add your shirt into the annotate's file as well