This is a small update to the Blender arm rig for GGMAX. This new version just has a small change I made to the parenting of the forearm twist bones to make it more Blender-friendly at the request of a user. Posting it here as well in case others may want it.
As a reminder, this rig allows you to do a few things:
1. Create new arm swap choices for GGMAX weapons, these are located in the gamecore/hands folder
2. Create new animations for GGMAX weapons
3. Create entire animated weapon/hand HUD's that are compatible with the arm swap system
As a side note, if you want to create more complex animations using this rig, it's likely you will want to build a proper animation rig that contains IK/FK controls on top of the base arm skeleton. I'd suggest using the AutoRig Pro plugin for Blender. For simple animations you can just animate the skeleton directly.