Scripts / [SOLVED] Total Newbie Question - How do I include a LUA script in-game?

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Posted: 27th Oct 2023 23:07
Sorry if I'm asking a really stupid question here. Just started playing around with Max and it's fun. From what I can tell on the Googleverse, it's possible to create custom lua scripts and use them in-game. How exactly do I connect a script to the game once I make it? The best lead I can find is the "Custom Behavior" option under "Behaviors." But all this does is attach a new behavior to the object/marker/whatever in question with 3 variables. No explanation (that I can see) on how to point it at a specific script or anything like that.

Really loving how easy this thing is to use, but I can't seem to find info on how to have the game execute a specific script anywhere. Really appreciate anyone willing to help out this dumb new guy.

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Posted: 28th Oct 2023 02:06 Edited at: 28th Oct 2023 02:19
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
You can just copy your own custom scripts to the ...
\Documents \ GameGuruApps \ GameGuruMAX \ Files \ scriptbank folder
You must add a description to the top line for Max to see it as the pic shows.
To attach Just select the object in question and click on the current behaviour and you can browse to yours
Or make sure the object has physics on and do the same thing.
Hope that helps.


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Posted: 29th Oct 2023 00:09
Ahhhhhh, thank you so much! So simple. That was driving me crazy LOL.

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