Off Topic / I'm switching to SSD

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Posted: 18th Jun 2023 16:58
So far I had a 1 Terrabyte HDD and it was going very well with backups on external drives.

But time passes...

During my last full backup, I noticed that my hard drive no longer allowed me access to some files. (about 105 out of 495,700. Luckily this only affects files that I have already backed up)

I'm a little disappointed to learn that an HDD can wear out like this and especially that the OS isn't smart enough to detect it and warn me or take automatic measures (copy the block before it's defective and declare the old block as BAD)

In short, the approaching summer I became interested in SSDs (which I have known for a long time) and I bought one of 1 Terrabyte.

For those interested I will post my impressions and my speed measurements.

This disk will become my new working disk and I hope for better reliability and increased speed.

...and lots of new maps and a super fast GG!

See you soon
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding
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Posted: 20th Jun 2023 13:31 Edited at: 20th Jun 2023 13:32
Quote: "I'm a little disappointed to learn that an HDD can wear out like this and especially that the OS isn't smart enough to detect it and warn me or take automatic measures (copy the block before it's defective and declare the old block as BAD) "

Just be aware that at least a HDD can give some mechanical warning ( often clicking ) and the chance to backup.
For SSD there is no warning .. One moment its there and the next its dead.
This is not a common thing so do not worry but if it does go its pretty instant
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Posted: 20th Jun 2023 18:44
Thanks for your support @Syncromesh,
you are a wise man.

Indeed an SSD can instantly lose its data, which is why I will continue to make backups regularly according to my activities.

That said, I've been using both technologies for years for storage and I've never encountered data disappearing even though I haven't powered an SSD for a few years.

There the situation is different because I'm going to use a high capacity SSD disk (1T) but I took a reliable brand.

This topic is here to objectively show GameGuru users the difference in speed and adaptability of the system.

Thank you again for your information @Synchromesh and I would be pleased to know what the SSD has brought you and how you have integrated it into your working environment. (I think for example of SUBST command usage because I am under Windows 10)

Regarding GameGuru I hope for a faster loading speed of 3d objects for Maps.

Best regards
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding
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Posted: 21st Jun 2023 20:19 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2023 04:31
First tests: HDD vs SSD

Start GameGuru: 40s
Open a 93 Mb custom map: 40s

Start GameGuru: 20s
Open a 93 Mb custom map: 30s

IMHO it is very satisfying
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding
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Posted: 31st Jul 2023 15:54
one thing to note is that SSD data can be harder to recover compared to a HDD in case of failure.
but yes SSDs are way faster than HDDs and i would be very unlikely to ever get a HDD again.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2023 21:54
Hi Smallg,

Thank you for this advice, it is true that it is likely to happen.

To overcome this problem, since my first purchase I have bought 3 other 1 TB Samsung SSDs to make duplicates and classify by theme.
I also found small 256 GB SSD USB keys and 2.5 inch disks of the same capacity.

I think I will soon be able to make an SSD farm lol...

I also bought a new laptop with much better performance and it also contains an SSD.

I hope GMax will work well and I think Guru will work well too. (anyway Guru will be my favorite forever, I'm having too much fun with it)

Good day Smallg and excuse my delay the heat wave is difficult to manage.
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding

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