I'm working on a game set in WW2 time. Despite its setting, It will be rather lightweight arcade shooter. 3 chapters - at least that's the idea right now, but we will see... Probably a lot will change during development, right now main purpose of creating this page is to keep me accountable - I officially said that I'm making a game, so I better be actually working on it
The game's plot will revolve around some ww2-related conspiracy theories and we will discover that they are all totally true

1 theory for each chapter;
1. Hidden Nazi Gold. Maybe a gold train? - that would be a good setup for a train-level, but I don't know how do do a level like that in gg (yet) so right now it's more "pie in the sky" than solid plan. But I will at least try

This chapter probably will be set in Africa (I bought really nice hippo models and Africa will give me a chance to insert them into the game very smoothly).
2. Occultism - this would add some darker tones into the game and introduce more variety in enemies, as we could fight some monsters/zombies or even teleport to hell for 1 level ?(Probably will
steal ideas get inspirations from hell levels in Doom 3) I even written some dialogues for this, like Hitler personally going to hell to talk with the devil etc

Beginning of this one probably will be set in the castle (at least partly, cuz I really want to have castle level in the game) and then we can go to catacombs under said castle, which lead straight to hell
3. Nazi Base on the dark side of the moon? - this would be the last chapter, where we must get to that base and then destroy it. This chapter (hopefully) will let me do some dark, cold, and dirty retro-future level aesthetic, but again - we will see, nothing is set in concrete right now
Our main hero is (probably) a British soldier on a secret mission (it's so secret because we can't have allies in ggc, so you need an excuse to be alone). British SAS special forces already existed around WW2 time, so it just fits here. So during the game our commando will discover that all these conspiracies are true, and will spiral into more and more convoluted drama
Gameplay-wise it should be an arcade. I want to use gameguru's hardcoded multiple lives system to my advantage

Ideally you will get points for shooting badguys, and then when you get enough of them you will get another life. More points for headshots and even more when you're fast... That would require some lua scripting, so either I learn enough lua do do it, or will pay somebody smarter than me lol
Ideally I will finish it this year
Some screens, all very early WIP and don't reflect quality of the final product blah blah blah