there's a .txt file in with the script that explains it in more detail
Quote: "Secuity Camera
Place a security camera support for the camera if required.
Place the security on the suppport or elsewhere
The applied object will create a rotatable security device?
Set Static Mode = No, Physics = On, Explodable = Yes, IsImobile = Yes
Behaviour Settings
-Change the prompt text for when alarm is sounded
-Set the security camera detection range
-Set the security camera scan radius
-Set the detection mode wether the alarm activates on or off
-Set the alarm range for activating nearby enemy in range response
-Change wether the camera is Visible or Invisible
-Set the sound for the Device Loop
-Set the sound for the Alarm Loop
Will activate other zones or entities if linked when alarm is created.
Models and sounds supplied"
Quote: "Secuity Camera Monitor
Allows the monitoring of a security camera objects view.
Place an object for the monitor in the map. Always active ON
Behaviour Settings
Set the CAMERA HUD either In-Built, Custom Image, Game Huds or Variable Hud
Set the HUD RESTORE Default = 1 for restoring the game hud after use
(Variable Hud mode uses the two following fields to use, a global variable name and value)
HUD VARIABLE NAME eg: g_MYGAME_Hud - name of your global variable
HUD VARIABLE VALUE a value to be passed to the global variable
(These are only used if you are doing customised variable huds)
Set the IMAGEFILE for the Custom Image (when using Custom Image mode)
Set the CAMERA FEED ANGLE either 1=Forward, 2=15 Degrees, 3=45 Degrees, 4=90 Degrees, 5=Backward
Set the ANGLE_CYCLE_KEY on or off to allow R key to cycle the camera feed views
Modify the CAMERA FEED Y value so suit, default is 20
Set the CAMERA NAME you wish to connect this montor to eg:"Security Camera"
Set a specific CAMERA TARGET (Entity #) if required for the camera to follow.
If left at 0 will just use the cameras default scan view.
Mouse Wheel will control +-Zoom when viewing camera feed
Set Sound0 for start/end activation sound if required.
Using the security monitor will also active an entity or zone if linked.
- Special thanks to OldFlak for the help and Camera Hud Images.