Quote: " On Discord I was advised I can change the controls in some or other text folder, but this seems complex and I don't want to mess anything up."
Yes i think i responded there.
Right now that is the only way to change the keys configs
They need to be changed in the setup.ini in the main installation folder which will be here
C:\ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ GameGuru MAX \ setup.ini
These are the key config codes you need to edit via notepad.
Keep a copy in case updates or verifying put them back to default.
keyUP = 17
keyDOWN = 31
keyLEFT = 30
keyRIGHT = 32
keyJUMP = 57
keyCROUCH = 46
keyENTER = 28
keyRELOAD = 19
keyPEEKLEFT = 16
keyRUN = 42
In the Guides folder in Max you will find this which will show you the key numbers
Just change them to how you want and save.