Product Chat / [SOLVED] Accents and chartable

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Joined: 2nd Jul 2012
Posted: 5th May 2023 21:09
I'm building a little game with a lot of text.
I am French so all my texts are in French and there are a lot of special characters with accents.
I tried using the lua instruction "string.sub" for exemple string.sub( "Hello World", 2, 4 ) statement with accented letters.
But it failed...
It only works when I don't use accents.
I think a good alternative consist in building my own chartable in a image, maybe in the fontbank folder ?
Or there is already a chartable to do that ?
And how can i indicate to Lua to use this new chartable file ?
I progress in Lua but i am not a
Thank you for any help
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding

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Joined: 2nd Jul 2012
Posted: 13th Jun 2023 11:47
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
The problem is not easy to solve. The best way I've found is to directly change the font file.
I am not english so xcuse my syntax, grammary or anything else wich could occure some ununderstanding

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