Certainly not stupid at ALL. I had the same question for GGclassic a few weeks ago. And to be honest, we need someone to do a video on each step required to have a script added and shown inside GGMax and Classic as many people don't know anything about those files or where to find them. if i had not know how to add a script to game guru classic, this post would NOT have give me the answer to how to add it to GGMAx.
So for people who would still struggle with this, here is a little hint about how to actually add such a script INTO GGMax or GGClassic
1. Find your GGMAX or GGClassic Folder ( That should be something like W:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GameGuru MAX)
2. In GGMAX or GGClassic Folder you should see 5 folders
3. click on Files folder
4. you should see a tons of folders! Those are all that is required for GG to work! Scroll down to a folder name 'scriptbank'.
5. click on it and you will see a folder name 'user', click on that
6. you should see 2 files (blank_icon & blank_icon2) already there.
this is where you should add all your own scripts or scripts you downloaded or created yourself.
Before you ask. Why shouldn't i place them in the 'light' folder, since my script is about lights?
Answer; Because Genius God Lee and his Team are adding stuff, solving bugs and REWRITING ALL THE OTHER FOLDERS ON A CONSTANT BASIS AT EACH UPGRADE. That means, if you add stuff in Light folder or any other folders, they are going to be deleted at the next update. Everything that is inside the folder name 'user', will NOT BE DELETED and be simply PRESERVED.
make sense eh?
Now, to create a script, you need to know LUA scripting language. That i cannot help you with. I am struggling to learn it myself. it is pure programming yet a lot easier than C.
There is a program name CodeWorks Visual Scripting on STeam that can help to make it easier apparently but i didn't try it yet. There is also a program name Lua2Max and LuaPad+.
I hope all of this can help you out.
And remember there is never a stupid question except the one we didn't ask...

i am having fun with GGMax, check it out if you wish!
When I died, I want to be buried in Cyrodil!