Work In Progress / Mantis Corp by Casper Forever Digital

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Posted: 12th Mar 2023 22:19 Edited at: 14th Mar 2023 07:10

Genre/ Scifi Fps shooter
Developer/ Casper Forever Digital

Mantis Corporation is set in a far away Galaxy in the Perseus Nebula in the year 2082 after the battle of Earth Anthropocene Epoch. Which takes you on the character role of Kas who destroyed a Mantis planet to save earth and was found floating in a Mantis attack ship by a corporate cargo hauler. He was then put in cryo and has been since in cryo chamber sleep.

He is then awakened by order's of the Captain Capt. Ajexs to be debriefed about the situation on Mantis planet and how Kas came about destroying it. You find out Human's have found a new home called Avalan Planet which is three times the size of Earth and
homes most of the population that survived. Although most colonies moved on to other solar system's to find new homes.

Are understanding of advanced technology has changed as well with the discovery of worm hole tech to make going to each solar system alot faster. Commercial and industrial asteroid mining has become a mecca and a laborers dream while you can find rare
crystals and make fortune's. Thing's have gone by so fast I am now a commander of my own fleet through Mantis Corporation, it was established to keep peace around the universe and help all that can't defend themselves from the Mantis Species.

Our sole mission is to explore unknown solar system's and take out the enemy if needed and find new life to help or set up trade route's to expand are allies and learn their culture. We are also on a mission to find a secret weapon to destroy the Mantis
species for good but few clue's have been brought forth about the where a bout's of such a weapon. You will need to go in search for this weapon by exploring each solar system and watching out for enemies trying to stop you and helping characters
with there missions which in turn will reap rewards. (edited)

This game includes

- heavily crafted level's how many (TBA)

- Open universe concept

- Various ships you can fly with different stats as you progress

- you can enter stations including Avalan station, mining stations, research bases (Planets not included yet)

- do various story missions including side missions.

- Custom assets and characters.

- better Game play features.

I will conclude this with a Dev log video of what i have worked on so far


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Posted: 17th Mar 2023 05:20
Alright so i wanted to show you my station as i got a few screenshot to share and will explain more about the main point of the level.
The Avalan Station is a research and command civilian station the station is a neutral area and meant to serve as a starting point in the game.
You will meet with the Commander of the station to receive missions the station its self has a residential area a med bay, lounge, command deck, security and an armoury all to set you up for whats to come.

Now like i said I'm going full custom on this game so I will show off my mantis corp battle cruiser MZ1 this is the first ship of the mantis fleet and you take command of. So the time spent has been working on models as well as level design so this is just a smaller updated but ill keep you posted soon.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2023 06:04
Hello everyone I'm here with an update on my game and I figured I'd keep going with my dev log videos as it helps me explain a bit more in detail about the game and let you see my progress first hand as screenshots don't show the game in action. As well as keep you engaged in the development. I have recently had a lot of good responses towards my game and am thankful and will continue to work further on it. It's starting to take shape so far so here is the dev log and screenshots of the planets of the Avalan solar system.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2023 22:07
Damn fine work and certainly the most ambitious GG game in a long time!
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Posted: 7th Apr 2023 23:01
Cant wait to see were it goes, its got amazing potential!
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Posted: 24th Apr 2023 19:18
Thank you @Wolf. Yea this is my baby now Anthropocene Epoch was awesome too but this will give a whole new feel to the story going forward but also add new cultures to the game as well. The most important part for me is dialing back and not over do it. With that making models plus the level designing does take a bit to do and making sure to watch the models i use. I want it to be at least 90% custom.

Thank you @Duchenkuke its a very ambitious game as you have seen and gotta admit your help and ideas have made it even better and the music is spot on. and now I have other ideas to add as I get further in lol.

But any way just want to let you guys know I have once again rebuilt the station I was not impressed with the last version models i made and re modeled 90% of it. I am way more happier with the results now and will show it off in my next Dev log so for now here is a teaser trailer.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2023 18:46 Edited at: 28th Apr 2023 18:47
Ok guys I got another Dev log showing off new features added to the game. More so with the TTP ship you control as well am showing off the new Avalan Station I wont give to much away and let you watch it.

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Posted: 30th May 2023 19:41
So here is my new dev log talking about different aspects of the game. I have been slowly getting work done in the background lastly finishing off the Avalan mining station.

I also have a few screenshots of the Mining station as well to view.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2023 21:16
Hey everyone welcome to another update starting with a new Dev log video and some screenshots of the Deluise planet level.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2023 20:11
Ok I can not hold back my excitement on this one. Even though I'm still working on phase 2 of my game including Deluise planet and Asina outpost. I couldn't help but want to build Avalan City as I have wanted to build a futuristic city for a long time but couldn't get enough inspiration and Sonoma City in Anthropocene Epoch did pretty well. Sooo here is my new Avalan City showcase.

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Posted: 1st Nov 2023 23:29
Looks promising!
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Posted: 1st Dec 2023 18:00

Hello everyone I am starting this post off a new. I have decided to move my game over to Game Guru Max as my inspirations are big. I also feel Max will benefit from this project more in the long run. I plan on working with Max as it updates and the team works on it behind the scenes.
So the big task is bringing all my models over from classic and restarting the already underway build. The first level the Mantis station is already complete and took me a month to get complete lol. I do want to say that everything in Classic to this point is the same direction I am taking with the game with many new features that I can now do in Max.
So with that said Thank you for the support and stay tuned. Here are some screen shots of the Mantis station and my first GGM Dev log.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2023 18:32
This looks great, its a very big project
s clarke

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