@Rector : Let us say it frankly, the asset importer of GameGuru MAX is still a work in progress.
Personally I already posted a few comments in this forum relative to my methods and workflow to import my own rigged animated models.
Performing these imports often requires a lot of manual adjustments and workarounds.
The best advice I could give again is this one :
1) verify that Microsoft 3D viewer (a free powerful tool provided with Windows 10) can load and play the rigged animated mesh in FBX format that you want to import in GG MAX.
2a) if it is not the case then GG MAX won't probably be able to import that animation.
2b) but if it is the case then you can use that tool to save your animation in GLB format.
3a) in GameGuru MAX, if the importer is able to load - improperly - your animation in FBX format, it is however useful to import that animation because the .FPE file created with the .DBO file contains the correct list of the the materials and textures linked to that animation.
3b) still in GameGuru MAX, if the importer is able to load your animation in GLB format, then save that imported animated mesh with another name than the one used for the FBX format.
3c) replace the block ";visual info" found in the FPE file generated with the GLB import by the one found in the FPE file generated with the FBX file. However don't expect to obtain a full match of every materials and textures, because there are often a few ones that aren't listed in the correct order. Anyway with that workaround you could win a lot of time if your mesh contains many links to textures.
Other informations :
As clearly specified by the member Bond1 ( the freelance artist who created the Aztec Collection ) in his tread
https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/223894 "... The FBX importer does not like spaces in the bone names! " and I may add that that importer (FBX or GLB format) doesn't like a few other things as I experimented it with a rigged animated mesh that I fully created myself starting from a blank page.
Currently I was able to import rigged animated mesh exported from these applications in FBX format (and optionally converted in GLB format with the Microsoft 3D viewer) :
Daz Studio 4 pro
Shade 3D version 15a
Makehuman + Blender
Poser Pro (via .pz3 export to Daz Studio)
(comment edited on 2023-August-28th : unnecessary or wrong infos removed)