Product Chat / How to make GG Classic dx9 faster? - Stable dx11 version?

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Posted: 11th Feb 2023 12:11 Edited at: 11th Feb 2023 12:13
Hi all

Due to recent bugs after the newest update, I decided to move my project into the dx9 version and it's really better than the latest version (at least for now). However, there's a problem here. It takes around 2-3 minutes to load. Do I need to be patient or is there any way to make it faster?

By the way, which version is stable now besides the dx9 version? I don't know why but it seems after the newest update, no matter what dx11 version I choose, animations aren't as well and smooth as the past. The bugs seem persistent. Maybe it's a corrupted file which doesn't change until I change the dx version from 11 to 9.

Oh God! I had written and designed a lot on paper for my game. Though I think it's not viable with these problems

Thanks in advance
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Posted: 11th Feb 2023 14:26

1. The DX9 version is not more stable in any way. In fact, it isn't stable at all... especially the stand alone builds. If you want to have a working game with more than 2 or 3 levels I can not recommend with the X9 version.

2.The version just prior to the latest build was reasonably stable. If you have issues with your animations, I think it would be better to have a separate thread solving that than using a GG version that won't allow you to build a stable game. The current version seems largely just fine but there is a mild error testing a game with new weapons in a map that has not been saved.

3. GG in general needs several minutes to load. There is a third party tool to help you with this though.

Quote: "Though I think it's not viable with these problems"

There seem to be bigger problems than just your animations not being as smooth. Maybe we can help?


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Posted: 11th Feb 2023 14:59 Edited at: 12th Feb 2023 09:09
Thank you wolf

Well, my other problems are with scripts which I'm sure they're correct but they don't work completely.
For example (I attached this to a clean barrel model which its static mode is set to no and it's always active):

function testing_init(e)

function testing_init(e)
Pdis = GetPlayerDistance(e)
if Pdis < 100 then

17 is the ID of an animated tree model. This line doesn't work. But the next line destroys a door (10). So the destroy command only works perfect in the second line. Maybe animated models can't be destroyed like this, right?
And set activated lines don't work at all. I set 2 characters not to spawn at start and become activated after becoming close to the clean barrel model. However, nothing happens. I remember activating some mine models some time ago without problem.

Ah! And there's this one too: I put a drunk man behind a door to surprise the player after opening it. But before opening, the hand of the drunk man comes out of the door! I even put an invisible wall behind the door so that his hand doesn't get pass. Nope. Again he tries to attack just like there's no obstacle between him and the player. I set a destroy command for the invisible wall too. Fortunately, it works. So maybe the problem of my scripts is with animated models.

Sorry for my long text
And thank you again for your answer
Good luck
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Posted: 13th Feb 2023 09:37
you want to Spawn(id) instead of SetActivated(id,v) to make those "SpawnAtStart = no" models to become active in your game
you can do this with the drunk man too, when the player opens the door spawn the man, that way he won't attack until the door is opening (i.e. add the command to spawn him when the door is playing the open animation for the first time)

for the destroy() make sure the tree and anything else you want to destroy is not static - only dynamic models should be able to be changed in your world
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Posted: 13th Feb 2023 10:00
Hi again

So it seems this was my problem and not GG issue.

Thank you so much smallg
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Posted: 13th Feb 2023 18:01
Avoid using explicit entity Ids as they are generated automatically when the .fpm is loaded so as you edit your level they are likely to change.

Instead use a named entity and find them using GetEntityName( Id ) or something similar.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2023 22:27
Or use both if you want to update your entity IDs when running the script.

Quote: "for n = 1,g_EntityElementMax,1 do
if GetEntityName(n) == "your entity name here" then Spawn(n ) end
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Posted: 14th Feb 2023 03:39
Oh! I didn't know these good points. Thanks a lot. Really helpful
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2023 03:34
Firstly, regarding the long load time issue, it is difficult to provide a specific solution without more information about your project and system specifications. However, there are a few general tips that may help:

Check your system specifications: Ensure that your computer meets the minimum requirements for the version you are using.

Optimize your project: If your project is large or contains a lot of assets, try to optimize it by removing any unnecessary files or reducing the size of textures and models.

Consider using asset streaming: If your project contains a large number of assets, consider using asset streaming to load assets only when they are needed.

Test on different hardware: Try running your project on different computers with varying specifications to see if the load time improves.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2023 08:36
To reduce the loading time of your dx9 project, try optimizing it by reducing the number of assets and using compression techniques. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements and that your drivers are up-to-date. Experiment with different versions of the dx11 engine to find one that works well for your project. Don't give up on your game project just yet!

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Posted: 4th Apr 2023 03:56
If you are using the dx9 version of GGC you are missing out on all the improvements and updates to the optimizer for load times...
You are also missing out on the 64 bit update with using a version that old.

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