Firstly that Lua snippet won't work as it would need to be == 0. Also say <= 0 as the health could drop below 0. (there used to be a bug such that when the health was 0 or below the script no longer gets called btw, not sure if that was ever fixed)
Secondly if you want entities to be breakable then they need to be made that way in the first place. i.e. they need to have some sort of animation frames built in and a script that drives the animation to mimic the breaking action. None of the stock objects are made this way.
Destroy( e ) should remove the entity from the map but you can also use Hide(e) to simply make it invisible (that way you can re-used that entity elsewhere on the map with appropriate scripting) and CollisionOff(e) to remove it's physical body.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!