Work In Progress / New Sci-Fi Themed Build Pack Coming Soon

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Posted: 10th Oct 2022 17:44 Edited at: 12th Oct 2022 01:15
What Up, Fellow Game Devs!

WIP Game Name "High Velocity - The Call of the Void"

I decided to start working on a new free build pack, because why not. It's the new pack I'm making for an upcoming project. I figured I'd give it to the community as well. Hopefully it will be done soon. I don't think it will be as many parts as my Backrooms build pack (we shall see ). Here's a picture of where I'm at so far. I've got the walls, floor, ceiling, lights, doorways, and pipes started. There will be several variants of the different parts. Like different floors and ceilings for straight walkways, turns and 3 - 4 way intersections. There will be straight walls and angled walls. Walls with windows and without. and so on. I'm going to try to cover all the bases I can think of. It will be all individual parts just like my Backrooms build pack. That way you can make a single wide hallway or a giant room and everything in between. I hope you like it!

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 10th Oct 2022 20:41
Got a little more work done.

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Posted: 12th Oct 2022 01:06
More Pics.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 00:41
wo wo wo that looks great! Very good work! What I think is that the polygon will be high... But without the textures it looks great... I imagine with the textures.... CONGRATULATIONS!
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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 06:07 Edited at: 13th Oct 2022 06:21
So far the highest triangle count item is 2872. From what I've read, that's on the low end of triangles for PC. I've been trying to keep the count as low as possible. All parts will be individual too. Walls, floors, etc... Each can be added separately so if you only want the walls and floors with no pipes, you can. Thank you for commenting. I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to get it textured.
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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 06:16
Update Time!! Hope you like it!!

I've gotten a bit more done since last time. There's already 32 different wall variants ( 4 wall "types" with 8 variations of each ). Not to mention all the other parts. And there's more finished I haven't got in the picture. I was hoping the pack would be smaller than the Backrooms pack, but it's looking like it will soon grow larger than I had planned, once again.... LOL. Oh well... At least It's fun to make this stuff.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2022 21:28
Update 4

I figured I didn't need a different wall for every variant. Instead, there will only be 8 flat walls and the vents will be separate parts you can add if you want them. You can make all the same stuff but with fewer parts in the pack.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2022 05:16
More Pics!

Getting more done today. Just a few more little things and 1 more big one I want to get finished. Then it's on to UV mapping and textures.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 15th Oct 2022 11:46 Edited at: 15th Oct 2022 11:47
Hello Eyefly,

As I can see you have good programming skills and you are also a Blender artist. That's a great advantage to create video games.
Furthermore you are nicely communicating in this forum with your carefully formatted threads. It is ideal to promote your games and/or creations.

Congratulations for your skills and for your efforts that are also useful for the promotion of GameGuru MAX developed by a small team of great software engineers, programmers and artists.

If I take the opportunity to post this comment (in my best English) it is because I think your project relative to that Sci Fi Build Pack could be improved with a dedicated script.

I explain with a few words and with a video :

- The accurate placement of a lot of assets in GG MAX editor remains a tedious task especially when it concerns buildings.
- Surprisingly it is possible to move 'Static Assets' thanks to a script (behavior) applied to a 'Dynamic Asset' and controlling the positions and movements of multiple assets.
- Therefore the game designer could propose new options to the game player and among those ones :
1) the game player could create his/her buildings inside the game.
2) a few pre-programmed building sets are available with the script.

- Link to the video ( on Vimeo : HD - not commented - 223 MBytes - 2 min 40 sec ( I am sorry, it is useless too long and I've no excuse for that because I am using a powerful video editor having an accelerated GPU process to nearly instantly rebuild a video after having proceeded to multiple cuttings ) ) :

Here are the two scripts ( behaviors) attached to the small project shown in the video :

Each of these very compact scripts are attached to two different 'dynamic assets'.

Thanks for having paid attention to this comment.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2022 18:29
That an interesting idea. Placing objects in game to build would be great. I've thought about that before too. I'm still relatively new to scripting. I've learned a lot in the past couple of months but I'm definitely not a professional. That kind of script is still outside of my skills. But I wish you the best of luck on getting it work. And thank you for your kind words.
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Posted: 16th Oct 2022 00:13
My dear dipteran eyepiece... I love your wave of human orchestra... skillful in two strengths of game development. I've downloaded Blender four times and I refuse to uninstall it... I can't escape the influence of fragMOTION, I know that Blender is more powerful... but... What you're doing is very important, congratulations! You are giving a lot of life to the forum that has been very quiet for a while... Big hug from Argentina! (Zero Kelvin).
I was going to tell you to count on my help in whatever way I can... but... I think the best I can do is support you morally...
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Posted: 16th Oct 2022 22:47
Another Update!

I'm just about done with the modeling. I'm going to take another look and make sure everything is good to go.

The pack has 91 parts.... I can't believe I made more parts than the backrooms pack. lol. And there's no decals in this pack (yet). I should be starting the texturing by this evening. I'm pretty excited about this pack. It should give people plenty of freedom to build a lot of varied levels.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 20th Oct 2022 05:00 Edited at: 20th Oct 2022 05:11

I've been working on the textures for a couple days now. I had some trouble with Normal Maps, but I figured it out. It's going much faster now. Here's the walls I have finished so far. There is going to be quite a few parts in the pack. Way more than I originally thought. Like WAY MORE. If you count the different texture variants there will be. So far there's going to be 6 wall textures, 6 window frame and doorway frame textures, and 3 glass textures. With 8 different wall types ( like full, half ( both vertical and horizontal ), and quarter ). Plus window walls and doorway walls ( both full and half horizontal ). And more! The parts will be fully modular. You can mix and match things like window walls and the frames and the glass. I'm going to make the whole pack like that. So you can make it look like you want it to and you're not stuck with just the choice I made for you. If I did the math correctly, there's already 108 variations just for the full size window walls and the frames and glass combinations. Not to mention the other parts.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2022 18:33 Edited at: 20th Oct 2022 18:35
Once again, I offer you , an UPDATE...

I got a few doors finished. Few more to go. And that's just one door style. I'm thinking there will be 3 styles. And just like the other parts, the doors, doorways, and frames can be mixed and matched.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 20th Oct 2022 21:04
Here's the other 3 doors in this style.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2022 21:04

I got the second door style finished! One more to go!

This door has an open and close animation. It works with the standard door script. However, the standard door script plays the close sound at the wrong time. It plays AFTER the animation plays. But the attached script has that fixed.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2022 04:10
Oh, snap... Here we go again... It's UPDATE TIME!!

I just got done adding the animation for the third door style. I also got the first texture set done for it.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2022 19:03 Edited at: 25th Oct 2022 19:07
It's That Time Again!!!!..... UPDAAAAAATE TIIIIIMMMMME... lol

I got a couple of pics to show just how many parts I've got finished so far ( 108 ). The parts start at the doors at the top of the first pic. And I've got lots more to go.... There's been lots of little problems AND lots of learning. I'm getting better every time I sit down to work on the pack. Also, the pack has once again, ballooned to a much larger project than I originally set out to do. But I'm having a great time learning and coming up with stuff to add to the pack. And modeling is super fun anyway.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2022 21:06

Here's a canister I made for the pack. Just practicing my modeling on something more than a flat wall. lol.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2022 21:55
One More For You!!

I did a dirty textured one too.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2022 17:34 Edited at: 9th Nov 2022 17:45
Bet You Thought I Stopped Updating, Didn't You?.... LOL. NOPE!! Just Been Busy... Busy working on the build pack!!

I got a few more thing s done since my last update. The total is currently 318 objects in the pack. That's including the texture variants. Things like the walls, and other main build parts, have 6 texture variants. Other things will have between 3 and 4 variants or at the least, a "clean" and "dirty" version for minor objects. It's taking me much longer than I originally planned. But it's because I've been learning a lot and trying new things to make the parts smaller in file size. Like using a single texture set for every part of a model instead of a set for each part. I also got a lot of the parts that are the same, like the walls and floors, to all share a single texture. For example, the walls have different types. Like full, half vertical and half horizontal. All of them share the same texture files. So far the total file size for the pack is 1.02Gb. But that's for 318 objects. And the vast majority of the textures are 2K. With only small parts being smaller textures. I also had to learn more about UV unwrapping. I was having all kinds of shading issues until I figured out how to properly unwrap the models. I was just using Blenders built in auto unwrap function. But I figured out that's a bad idea for more complex parts. So I learned to unwrap myself instead. Anyway, I'll be finished with the pack "soon" I hope. I still have quite a bit to go. But I make progress every day.

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Posted: 15th Nov 2022 16:05
Pack is growing fast

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
AORUS B550 Master Motherboard
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Posted: 26th Nov 2022 22:06
The day has finally come! I finally finished the pack! That was a lot of work. lol.

I'll be uploading the pack either today or tomorrow. It depends on when I get a chance to make a companion video to go with the pack.

There's a lot of parts to choose from. Here's a list of what's going to be in the pack.
*Total Items = 523
* Buttons and Switches = 8 (2 styles with 4 texture variants)
* Ceilings = 18 (3 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Doors = 16 (door 1 & 2 with 6 texture variants, door 3 with 4 texture variants)
* Floors = 30 (5 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Floor Misc = 24 (4 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Frames (door and window) = 30 (multiple texture variants)
* Lights = 16 (4 styles with 4 texture variants)
* Misc = 81 (20 styles with multiple texture variants)
* Patrol Drones = 8 (2 styles with 4 texture variants)
* Pillars = 24 (2 styles with 6 texture variants and 2 Position variants (center and corner))
* Pipes = 64 (8 styles with 4 texture variants and 2 Position variants (top and bottom))
* Vents = 72 (12 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Wall Trims = 66 (11 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Walls = 60 (10 styles with 6 texture variants)
* Window Glass = 6 (2 styles with 3 texture variants)

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 27th Nov 2022 20:48
amazing, incredible... no more words---
The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)
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Posted: 29th Nov 2022 15:26 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2022 15:35
The new build pack is up! Here's the link.
Keep Making Stuff You Enjoy.

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