Off Topic / Diablo 2 Resurrected

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Posted: 26th Sep 2022 01:22 Edited at: 1st May 2024 16:32
Hi all! I decided to contact the forum community with a question about Diablo 2 Resurrected. I recently decided to buy it on xbox. Bought on Difmark if anyone is interested. As soon as I bought it, I started playing. I can't call myself a direct super fan of Diablo games, but I love the lore, the atmosphere of the game and the community. I have not yet met a single evil person who likes to play Diablo. A bit off topic... In short, I started playing and almost immediately I had strange feelings. It was strange for me to play a 2021 game that only changed the graphics in 21 years. But even then, I honestly did not feel much difference during the passage of the old second part of the year 2000. To me, this all looks like just a drain on the money from the players who love the Diablo series so much. Earning on nostalgia. I do not regret the purchase in general, it is some kind of experience. But not happy with the game. That's why I decided to write about it here on the forum. Does anyone else have similar feelings about this game? Or maybe someone has a constructive answer that will show that I'm wrong. Anyway, I'm waiting for your answers. Thank you for your attention! Have a nice day everyone!
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Posted: 26th Sep 2022 21:47 Edited at: 26th Sep 2022 21:48
While its no doubt the company's primary directive to make money, such remakes introduce the younger generations to classic games they would have likely never played otherwise.

You bought the game and you enjoyed certain aspects of it, so for that alone I wouldn't perceive it as "drain". The way you worded that makes it sound like people would be forced to buy the game, which they are not. I don't see anything inherently wrong in making a product that banks on nostalgia to sell, as long as there is no false advertisement and as long as people are buying it out of their own volition. Besides, if you played the original back in 2000, you are likely in a place financially where you can allow yourself to shell out some cash for the occasional video game. (if not, then you should obviously not spend money on games)

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