Rickaitch, thank you for your kind comment about my video.
I agree with all comments posted by GG (Classic and MAX) specialists in your thread.
I don't forget that the main purpose of GG MAX developers (Lee Bamber and the team of software engineers) is to provide an engine for users who want to create video games without having the difficult task to create artworks, animations and scripts (behaviors) controlled by a main Artificial Intelligence software and by a specific Collision System.
In that point of view GameGuru MAX is a success with its beautiful level editor.
Personally I am trying to integrate my own assets and animations in GameGuru MAX the importer of which is good (if you know a few tips and tricks to avoid some pitfalls relative to the imported animated assets) but I am conscious that the way is long if I want to re-create an Artificial Intelligence software for my own animated assets ( see comments posted by 'smallg' and 'AmenMoses').
Herewith is a screen capture of the script I wrote to calibrate my animated assets created with Daz Studio. It works good with the animated assets created for GameGuru Classic.
The problem with the animation system of GameGuru Max is that the walk animations (bipeds and mammels for instance) move the assets on the X and/or Z axis (movements on the ground).
The animation of the 'DogMan' of GameGuru Classic don't move on those X and/or Z axis.
It is the way I am creating my animations in Daz Studio.
I hope you could understand what I mean.
That method (no displacement on X,Z) could possibly offer an advantage in matter of collision as tested in some of my tests.
(That script was written a few months ago. Since then I learned more about the structure of the scripts relative to the behaviors of GameGuru MAX : for instance beside the implicit assignment of the behaviors, there are possibilities to indirectly assign behaviors to some assets in the case of multiple behaviors are required for a specific asset )