[NOT Solved]
FYI- I did pay nearly full price @MAX + DLC totaling = $98.46
I seen that quite a few people had viewed this post and it is in need of an update. Also there's probably others that want a refund.
>>> This is the solution: -- Sorry, they locked up refunds-- no more for you!
So I checked one minute ago on my email and still no response from TGC regarding a refund.
Yes, the BOT replied [ 3 ] times since I sent [ 3 ] requests >>LAST WEEK<<
....but no reply from a human. Bots don't help out much.
Since they swapped everyone over to Steam, there are no refunds? Steam doesn't refund 3rd party keys.
Also I heard keys cannot be canceled by the issuing party. No matter. They ignore me. So TGC has done it again.
Brilliant strategy to build up your reputation for a YOWSER SMH

ethics machine.

Hmmmm.... what to do? Stuck with it so just use it for a smelly scenery- screen shot tool @ 30 Gigs on my wee SSD?!
Thanks. It's been so much fun!