@ Synchromesh
A> So here I am helping someone expand the ladder script I wrote for what I thought was for personal use in GG Classic....
B> Granted, I 'gave' it to the GG Classic community....
B> In this thread-
it might look like I was indifferent with Lee receiving the ladder script for inclusion in GGMax. But that detail basically skipped my attention and my response was that wasn't my intention.... It would need further work if so.
C> Shortly afterward I noticed it released to the GGMax Github by that particular 'X' user....
D> I was moderately surprised and shocked that nobody cared to ask if it was okay. If I was asked, then I'm sure I would have just said go ahead, though credit would have been nice to see. (I'm not the only one involved, but credit those who request credit.)
In reality, people like AmenMoses (this script also includes his work in the form of his physics library snippets) could be credited also-- which goes for practically anything under the GG sun that uses many newer script functions. And the unnamed user that utilized and submitted it, that's up to them to follow through.
It's best to ask anyone involved if they are okay with a profit earning company to put said personal work into said company's profit making product without compensation or even credit.
At this point, it's just a silly little script, on my part the script took no more than 5-6 hours (because I might get stuck on a particular problem). Therefore, it's not a major script that took weeks of work. So I formally state "do what you will with it."
But if this is the behavior on TGC part, of forum members sneaking forum submitted scripts into GGMAX-- and a reputation for such behavior is commonplace, then I very much have issue with that. It's deplorable. Always ask. 9/10 times they will say "Ehhhh, it's good, no problem. Glad you asked."