They seem to be doing what they always do. (a trend analysis)
1 promise the universe
2. Go 100mph
3. Release a rushed edition
4. Go 15mph
5. Lose focus and go completely fickle and swap change and drop things add something they find good
6. Never finished anything properly and start new things if they do finish its not the intended version
7. start a new engine
we do however have the cop out clause
a. early access indefinite
b. DLC
they will obviously no w be going slow because they can, and focus on DLC
they will go 1mph on the engine and anything good will come as dlc ( psychic powers sense a building editor program DLC) and
psychic powers sense ........ im getting the words.......... max release full on the 12th of never!
( or is this my future dead self sending me messages saying dont bother mate ) lol
seriously guys sort your sloth like ways and stop groundhog day and finish what you started 10 years ago yes 10 years ago this is classic extended with what was originally promised yet no funds so fleeced us again
Lee when will you actually finish something mate?
Im 50 now aint a kid travelled the world been in terrorist bombing shot at near kidnapped. Have an audi a house a fiancee a cat and ex dj and promoter and now home Manager. Have a degree and lots of quals and this is actually all true