Scripts / [SOLVED] Question about 3rd person mode GGC

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Posted: 12th Aug 2022 00:40
So it's been a long while since I last used GG and what little knowhow I had seems to have gone over time.
I'm hoping someone can help me out.
Basically, I'm wanting to use the drone from the Mission to Mars pack as my character in 3rd person. It lets me add the drone to the player start marker, but once it's added the model sinks into the ground (like first pic).
Then once you go into test game, the model is still sunk into the ground but otherwise works find with movement, jump etc, just always sunk below the ground (like the second pic).
Is there any way to have the drone model useable as the 3rd person character model?
I'm not a box of avocados, Logan

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Posted: 12th Aug 2022 13:41
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Nevermind, I managed to work it out.
For anyone interested, I just had to create a duplicate folder for the drones, rename it something like 'drones-3rd person', open the drone file from said renamed folder in Fragmotion, go to transform options and raise the Y axis to about 25/30 and save it.
Then using the duplicate drones for 3rd person works fine, the drone floats at the right height above ground.
I'm not a box of avocados, Logan

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