So the script I provided works when the entity is activated, i.e. by a switch attached to it via the blobby logic connection system.
To change this in the script find this bit:
if Ent.activated == 1 then
and change it to however you want to trigger it.
For example if you want to trigger as soon as the player is close to the entity and looking towards it then:
1) add this line to the top of the script:
local U = require "scriptbank\\utillib"
2) replace the above mentioned logic with:
if Ent.activated == 0 and U.PlayerLookingNear( e, 100, 150 ) then
where '100' is the distance to player and '150' is the angle within which the entity has to be from the players eyeline. Play with the values to suit your needs.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!