So this script is MAX only and is my attempt to get around the issue raised here:
So until that issue gets worked, if it gets worked, here is a way of accomplishing it. I would have preferred it to be automatic but without that issue worked it just isn't possible.
Anyhow, what the script does is allow entities to be 'glued' to another moving entity and to make the glued entities move smoothly in sync with it.
As described in the GitHub issue in order to do this properly the 'glued' entities need to all move in the same frame as the 'gluee', in order to do this the user has to follow this procedure:
1) Put the first entity to be 'glued' on the map and attach the behaviour.
2) Use the blobby logic connection system to link this entity to the 'gluee' (this is important, the first link must be to the moving entity)
3) Next identify the name of the behaviour that the 'gluee' has, for example Door Rotate, in the behaviour setting for the glued entity enter this in lower case with underscores, e.g. door_rotate
4) Next simply use the blobby linking system to link up to 9 more entities to the 'glued' entity.
Remember that in order to move entities must be dynamic not static.
Counter intuitively you should make the entities 'Issimobile', i.e. in Developer Settings for the entities tick the Issimobile box. This stops the physics engine from moving the entities but doesn't stop the script from doing so, it also makes it possible for the player to stand on the entities which is obviously very useful for platforms and lifts.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!