@3com, the behavior script that AmenMoses made is perfect for stand and speak characters, I was trying to apply his script to my npc melee fighter but got ahead of myself.
I do like your Idea about the player having a conservation with the AI, and could use that in my game at some point. Also, I need to learn the basic Lua code (scripting) first and wait for Lee to finish the AI behavior scripts first lol
I honestly think that AmenMoses behavior script 'my stand and speak' should be put into Max as a default one because might help others as well while RPG is on hold until 80% to 90% of the bugs are gone lol
Like Lee said some stuff like behaviors, DMC, and game kits are coming from you guys (third party)
@science boy, The speech that comes built-in for Melee does not have any delay, so the soundtracks are playing on top of each other.
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful help