Done a bit of retesting, here's the process that seems to work. I created a new map as a
fresh start so hopefully it works for you.
Try this on a test game wouldn't want to screw up anything you've been working on, especially if max crashes
New map with nothing in the documents…. \peoples folder. (Saved all my byc files elsewhere)
Create your hostage with the original max hostage runs away behaviour.
Nothing appears in the documents…. \peoples folder yet. So the character still runs off.
Add and link your flags
Make sure the first flag is next to the hostage so it is picked up.
Run the game and tab to the behaviour editor.
You might need to switch this on in the AI management… ?
Make sure you have the hostage runs away.lua selected and scroll to the bottom
Select Update and Restart
The hostage runs away.byc file now appears in the document…\peoples folder
Replace with the attached. Or rename it .bak and copy in the attached.
From this point Gameguru Max seems to go to the .../peoples folder for the byc folder so
guessing there must be something else that gets setup.
Still getting my head around this editor (so dont shoot the messenger
) . Probably a better way of doing this. @smallg ?
I made some changes to the original byc file I had. The hostage wanders a bit and will randomly pause and look around.
If you want the hostage to run off, change the Loop Animation from walk_loop to run_loop in the editor. Update and restart.
Here's hoping Lee develops the editor.....