Product Chat (Early Access) / [SOLVED] Help setting up behavior on viechle following path.

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Posted: 12th May 2022 19:15
I wanted to set up the patrol or actually the loopwaypoint behavior so that i could get an item to follow a few flags on a circuit then stop at the end waypoint for x seconds and continue onward. I have a modified version of the waypoint loop script and a modified version of the patrol scripts that i just put a wait command in at the end of the loop berfore is goes back to the begining of the process. However my script isnt hte issue. i havent gotten the built in default behaviors to work with this yet. I did get a crow (blackbird) to slide between waypoint flags once and only once. I feel i'm just missing something in the item set up. Im actually after getting a boat or a train object to follow the flags i set out and link back. i did try physic on and off ( you cant be static to connect the logic of the item to the waypoint flags). i supose this could be a work in progress still but i really feel i'm missing something simple. Can anybody educate me please?

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Posted: 13th May 2022 11:07 Edited at: 13th May 2022 12:17
does it work with the default characters? currently characters need to be animating to move
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Posted: 13th May 2022 17:20
so i had read your post before making mine, If i use a character i can get the patrol to work. and somehow using the bird i was able to get the object loop way point to work, but trying to repeat it i couldn't repeat my success. So naturally i thought i must be doing something wrong. I mean the behaviour is under objects not characters right ?

so this started because i wanted to do something that should be super simple. Grab a barrel dump it in the water. set up a couple of flags for way points and tell the barrel to loop around the way points. not a big ask since the behaviour exists under objects right. So my thoughts are i'm just doing something wrong. But when i couldn't get it to work i decided maybe its to do with the water and tried on land. then when i couldn't get that to work tried a character and patrol and that works as expected. then tried a bird and it worked but then when i nuked it and tried again just to cement the process no luck total fail. Toggled on and off all the physics settings etc. ( cant be static mode to assign a behaivior anyways). You have any ideas for me to try? Since a barrel, or boat or train are not charactors and all.
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Posted: 13th May 2022 19:29 Edited at: 13th May 2022 19:29
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Quote: "You have any ideas for me to try? Since a barrel, or boat or train are not charactors and all."

You have to make them characters.
ischaracter = 1 in the .fpe
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Posted: 13th May 2022 21:57
So thank you that worked ... mostly. i was able to get the object to follow a path using way points by setting ischaracter=1 and assigning patrol however i still don't think this would work if you wanted a ferry or train. essentially your turned an object into a sentient life form. Another issue i have is no matter what i do with physics and gravity my boat sinks to the ocean floor. any way to prevent this that i am missing ? least its progress in the right direction. If any Devs happen to read this A behaviour that was say something like "make non-character item follow path" added to the objects behaviour list would be a great thing.
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Posted: 13th May 2022 22:40 Edited at: 13th May 2022 22:44
you don't have to be a character if you only want to follow the waypoints, the character is just to use the AI commands (i.e. actual navmesh path finding and avoiding stuff)
you can use the same logic i posted for characters but just the part to find the patrol paths and move the entity manually (i.e. moveforward or setposition etc)
so you would need to make your flags do all the work in the pathing and make sure there aren't any obstacles etc - good for set paths like boats or trains
*see attachment*
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Posted: 13th May 2022 23:14
thanks for the script . i will play around with that over the weekend. If i get it working i'll incorporate it into one of my you tube videos. As i learn the different items i am trying to do a video on each topic so the next person jumping in has a little easier time. Coming from unity its mostly pretty easy but some things are seemingly more difficult than they should be based on how other operations work in the same engine. The more examples that we the community get out there the easier it is for the next guy. ( plus i can go back and review how i did it the next time i want to do something thats less often used.) Still this should just be a built in behaviour, you shouldnt have to script this type of thing in this type of engine. i can see a large amount of use for this tho if for nothing else to bring some life to the worlds that the creators are making.

thanks again i am sure this will work awesomely.

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