Glad you guys are enjoying the game long enough to finish it! I see some good criticisms here that will help me fine-tune some stuff. When you're making the game and playing through it yourself knowing where everything is it's hard to judge how someone else will walk through the same level that doesn't know the inner workings of it so this is good to know.
Quote: "mguy1122, I want to apologize for my mistake. I think it happened because my head stayed in your nice game"
Don't worry Mikeeven , you didn't hurt my feelings

okay, let's see if I can address some of these issues. Some are fixable in summer out of my hands.
Quote: ", as a little icing on the cake, the upper floor salesman could hand us some kind of document, say, a formal proof of purchase or similar ( the little excursion to his office seems a little pointless, currently)."
I absolutely agree this would make the game more engaging. Unfortunately I don't have the programming skills to make this happen and I'm using character creator characters so I don't think they even have a animations to make this possible. I was actually going to scrap the realtor office completely because I didn't think it match the game but I had the idea for the ending so I thought it was necessary to keep it so the ending made sense. It does need more interactivity but the level really was only made to serve as an introduction and nothing else. I may see what I can do to spice it up later though
Quote: "Personally, I'm still not fine with those way-too-dark ceiling corner lines"
I brightened it up a bit in the office but if I take it too far and starts looking bleached out. I'll take another look and see how much I can tweak it without making it look badly. I personally didn't mind the darker corners though. The realtors office isn't supposed to be immaculate.
Quote: "Funny glitch: the basin and its floor unit in the room where the painterman lives suddenly goes right through the wall to the adjacent room, but the dirty dishes keep soaring in mid-air"
this is probably a physics glitch meaning I accidentally gave the item physics when it should of been static

I thought I caught all of these errors but I guess this one slipped under the radar. It will go on the list
I will also take a look at the attic door and see what's going on there. That door shouldn't even have a prompt. As of now the rotating doors won't allow them to be locked so I had to do some trickery to make the doors go from open to closed. They should all be static.
Quote: "There, the blood stain decals are very fickle, going on an off all the time when one walks through the room, as small as it is. The on-entry "scare boom" or fanfare or whatever it may be called is still VERY loud, I was glad I was not wearing headphones when I stepped in."
I didn't experience the bloodstained decal flickering but this is an easy fix. So is the loud sound effects. They will go on the list as well
the hooded figures should still be there, I didn't adjust anything that room except for changing the blood stains from physics to static. I will take a look though
the green door doesn't have a message anymore because I changed it from physics to static and it just disappears after you read both the notes and allows the player to continue. I do agree, I will add something there to draw the player back to the position.
I was unaware you were able to make a custom icon, I will check that out though
Quote: "This is my opinion of your game in a few lines :
- 3D sounds are surely what is contributing the most to the required atmosphere.
- It is possible to reach the end of the game in less than one hour (I lost precious minutes because the message relative to the closed door of the attic appeared in front of one of the computers ).
- The logic of the game is quite good (I guess that it is not your first game's project).
- There are very good ideas ( example : dynamic arrangement of the furnitures according to the successful inquiries of the player).
- There are a few minor bugs with the placement of some assets or with the actions applied by the player :
In a few rooms the messages ( on/off and open/close) appear together and sometimes they are inverted ( on in place of off ).
A book or plates are floating in the air.
when a level is reloaded, some switches are no more available.
Opening the door of the attic was a major difficulty (conflicting messages).
- The final level (going out through the garage) was not easy with those two guys running so fast. The player died in less than three seconds if it couldn't run fast enough to the entrance door of the garage (previously locked). But it added spice to the game."
The game was never really supposed to be that long so an hour seems about right. When I started it it was only going to be one level and probably take less than 10 minutes

it just grew into something bigger.
Glad you like the logic, it is actually my first game project! I've had ideas before and put together parts of games but never actually finished one
I'm guessing what you're talking about with placement of assets would be the light switch is in the doors. I knew they conflicted with each other but the distance you have to put them away from each other puts the light switch and an awkward place in the room. If I can find a way to reduce their range I will give that a go.
I did miss the book floating in the air, LOL. That will get removed
With the final two guys in the last level I tried to slow them down a little bit with their character speed but it made them look like they moving in slow motion. And if there moving too slow they're not really a threat. It was supposed to invoke a feeling of panic to force you to run out of the house as fast as possible. I don't know if it's possible to kill off the running animation and make them walk so there like a Terminator like boss that would slowly follow you but if it's possible I will see what I can do
on which level was opening the door to the attic difficult? I will take a look and see if I can fix that
as far as the save games go and reloading the levels I don't know what I can do to fix those issues. Like I said before those could be a problem with the early access engine but if I can find a way to make it stop happening I will give it a try. The game isn't very long and the levels are pretty short so saving and loading isn't really necessary for a play through but if I were selling the game it would definitely be a big problem. I will see what I can do though. For now, I would advise nobody save the game unless it's at the very start of the level.
I appreciate all the feedback. This gives me some more stuff to improve upon. I will fix what I can.