Work In Progress / titanic!

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Posted: 16th Apr 2022 18:52 Edited at: 16th Apr 2022 18:53
First, this is the Game I'm working on, Titanic Historia.

The Heart stone, one of many scattered to the winds, their origin an ancient temple hidden below the burning sands of a forgotten world, a piece of a bigger ancient machine. Its purpose unclear, but wherever the Heart stones went, disaster would follow in their wake.

Great scientists from around the world under the banner of knowledge and understanding, trying desperately to unlock the secrets of the Heart stones.

And surely, they did opening their eyes to a new found understanding of the Universe. Each Heart stone had a unique property that allowed memories to be stored on a molecular level. The more intense the emotion, the more powerful the memory.

Hooking the Heart stone up to local power networks also gave another unexpected result. Immense power that could revolutionise the world with a second renaissance.

The Historia Program set out to unlock the power of the Heart Stones, but to do so the memories held within must be purified of corruption.

A recruitment program, secret, a puzzle hidden in plain sight in the media, with a message.

“For those that solve the enigma, contact the Historia.”

For a time. Nothing.

Until today. As the puzzle sits revealing its secrets before you, your hands shaking trying to grip the phone as a voice delivers you instructions.

“Come North” he says. “We have a great opportunity for you.”

You have spent a lifetime. Living in anxiety, yet there was no fear. The curiosity was too strong to ignore, and without a moment's thought you would begin a journey into a world you never knew existed.

In need of some brains.

Does any one have ANY idea how I can make Titanic sink, ive tried animating her in blender and exporting but so far every attempt to import the animated fbx FAILS.

Im stuck. Ive tried everything I can think off.

Setting the ship to physics on just causes the ship to spin around in a circle and fly off into space. any ideas would be really appreciated.


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Posted: 20th Apr 2022 01:25
I'm really interested to see how the game play is.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2022 15:42

I want to show you my experiment with a model 'Titanic' that I found in my Daz Studio old database. I cannot find the identity of the 3D artist who created that superb model therefore I simply use it only for my demo.

That model exported in FBX format contains 97,170 triangles.

Processes :
- Import of the .PZ3 model in Daz Studio Pro (64-bit edition).
- Conversion Prop to Figure (Triax weight mapping).
- Export in .FBX 2012 format with these settings :
+ figure (only selected)
+ animations (an empty one)
+ embed textures
+ merge diffuse and opacity textures
+ allow degraded skinning
+ allow degraded scaling

- Import of that FBX asset in GG MAX (alpha version 2022-04-08).
- creation of a scene (an empty ocean)
- inserting a few assets of the Arctic Collection of GG MAX to simulate 'icebergs'.
- accurate placement of the asset 'Titanic' and of all those 'icebergs'.
- The 'icebergs' have these properties : Static + Box collision.
- The 'Titanic' has this properties : Physics on + Box collision + my custom behavior 'titanic2022d' (titanic speed = 10) + Always Active
- Special assets + a few of my custom behaviors to control a camera and a moving spotlight.

Link to a short video published on my Vimeo channel :
(Full HD - 54 MBytes - 53 seconds - no sound)

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Posted: 24th Apr 2022 11:42
Why physics on? Nothing there requiring any physics.

Static for the iceburgs (so they can be physics on, i.e. the default, without any problem. They can also have poly collision shape being static).
Dynamic no physics for the titanic model, will make it way easier to move around via Lua script.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 26th Apr 2022 02:21
thank you mike!!! taking note of all that!!!

amazing to see another titanic max thing!!!

heres the updated build. its taken a few weeks but I'm really happy with the results.
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Posted: 26th Apr 2022 08:58
Casigus, I fully watched your nice video on YouTube.
Truly impressive ! I never thought that it was possible to import such 'titanic' asset in a game engine.
I appreciate your acrobatic travel inside the ship where you place a lot of lights.
I may guess that it took a few hours of work to adjust the textures.

I noticed that your level consumes 32 GBytes of memory and that the FPS score is rather low.
Nevertheless congratulations for your efforts and skills.
I wish you all the best with your ambitious project.

@AmenMoses, I am convinced that you'll show us a good script to animate and sink that ship.

Personally I am busy with a big project where the physics engine is heavily used to create a lot of interactions between animated assets.
I simply transposed one of my scripts dedicated to that project for the purpose of moving the ship while preserving its collisions with the icebergs. There is no imported animation. It is the work of the physic engine. It would be nice to produce some turbulence in the water to obtain a more realistic sinking of the ship.

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Posted: 26th Apr 2022 13:14
yassssssss gonna fine tune it to get those frame rates down work in progress and all that !!

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