Product Chat (Early Access) / Character Creator 3/ IClone 7 -> Game Guru Max Workflow?

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Posted: 7th Apr 2022 22:35
As a user of CC3 and substance Painter i was wondering if any fellow Reallusion product users had much success importing CC3 generated characters into GGM or GGC.
The thing that i like about CC3 is it enables full rigging and multiple materials to be used in character costumes so i am very keen to incorporate it into my Game Guru workflow.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2022 22:46
CC3 is a nice tool but a $200 character creator isnt somthing most people would buy for GGMAX its not the intended audience but being an advanced developer it could be a tool in the arsenal. That all being said put a request into GitHub so Lee and crew can consider suport in some way it never hurts to try.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2022 11:36
I have had some success exporting iprops from iclone as fbx with the unreal profile.

I needed to switch embedded textures off and convert texture format to png on export. I also need to zero the model.
When importing I had to assign the textures manually also fiddle with the orientation (most require the X axis turned by 90 degrees though some come upside down and back to front, it depends on the artist). The export also comes with a json file that contains handy details of the base colour settings and Name/location of the textures etc.
Some multipart models will not import as the parts end up all over the shop.
GGMax also likes to rename things to NONAME so figuring out what texture goes with what often comes down to an educated guess.

I had a couple of attempts at getting characters in from cc3 via the cc3 fbx exporter (as opposed to the iclone fbx exporter) with little luck animations never worked plus face, hands and feet ended up distorted.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Albert Einstein

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