Using external asset is fun and very necessary for anything involved, we only live so long, we only have so much time for everyday common place assets, for those we should use assets, for how many times do you need to model a spoon again ?
But most developers I have talked to want to at least at the very minimum own their main character, to have a sense that they "created"/"molded"/"create from scratch"/"designed"/etc... their own Character, at least the main one.
If you have 8 minutes to "power up", here is me showing you how to sculpt a head using just four brushes in Blender.
I have removed a lot of factors that prevented me from even trying when I first started out by not using all the other brushes for that was what scared me away when I was just starting out.
In this video, I only focus on the bare minimum, four brushes and what and when to use them.
More basic educational videos to come for those who want to have a sense of ownership of their own material, and it is a good time to start considering that Game Guru Max is going to have some really kick-ass BPR support and things are going to look good now !