Product Chat (Early Access) / Cut scenes coming? Multiple cameras yet?

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Posted: 26th Mar 2022 17:21
Hello community!

Just picked up GGM yesterday and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with it. I have GG classic but never messed with it too much. I've dabbled for the last 15 years or so with Unreal, Unity, 3d Gamestudio ( a long time ago lol) Godot and even the BGE (also a long time ago).

Watching tutorials today...etc for GGM and just wondered if there are plans for "official support" for Cutscenes? I do see a few posts where people are scripting it out, and I don't mind trying that myself, but I was just curious if there are plans to create an actual tool for it (or something like that).

Also, I watched in interview with Lee Bamber and although he mentioned Multiple cameras as it was "promised" in the past...but he never actually said that it would be implemented in GGM. Any info on that?

Either way, glad to be a part of the community.
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Posted: 26th Mar 2022 17:35
Quote: "Also, I watched in interview with Lee Bamber and although he mentioned Multiple cameras as it was "promised" in the past...but he never actually said that it would be implemented in GGM. Any info on that? "

He was referring to reloaded years ago .. Has not been mentioned as an addition for Max im afraid.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 09:41
There is a great cut scene creator third party product called "cine guru" - this works great with GG Classic and I understand the authors are hoping to update it to work with Max (if possible). I hope they are able to as it works really well.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 09:51

It actually did all work in MAX last year but now unfortunately it doesn't.

Now that MAX is actually released, albeit in early access, hopefully it will gradually become more stable and issues will get fixed.

So we will be updating it to work fully with MAX, hopefully still as a single product.

Having said that it appears from what Lee has said that they are intending for MAX and GGC to go off in completely different directions so we may very well reach the point where it will be virtually impossible to maintain compatibility with both engines in a single product, we will just have to cross that bridge when we get there.
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Harkin Hails M.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 10:36
Quote: "Having said that it appears from what Lee has said that they are intending for MAX and GGC to go off in completely different directions"

Different directions? How so?
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 10:59
Just that, changes to one will not be going into the other, separate development paths so there will be no reason for functions in MAX to work the same way as GGC or vice versa.

Cine|Guru was written back in the days where MAX was supposedly going to be backwardly compatible, i.e. you could import levels from GGC and expect them to work.

That is no longer the case so developers (like me) will have to evaluate on a case by case basis whether our products will be able to support both engines or whether we will need to create separate versions for MAX, if that is the case then it will mean another period of development and testing and probably extra cost to our customers, either that or if it is not deemed worthwhile possibly dropping products altogether.

What makes the whole thing so much more difficult is not knowing which functionality that was relied on in GGC is no longer available in MAX without a ton of trial and error, global.lua provides minimal documentation of new functions added to MAX but nowhere is it documented what existing functions are either not supported anymore or which work differently than they did (or indeed which ones are just broken by bugs introduced during MAX development).
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 11:58
Quote: " we will need to create separate versions for MAX"

That would be the best, but as you pointed out above, is not yet possible, but it will be.
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Harkin Hails M.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 12:02
That's a shame.

I guess until Max is out of Early Access, making this add-on for Max alone would be too costly with low ROI.

Honestly, I didn't bother with GGC so was expecting all such things to be built into Max, even as add-ons. I'm now going through so many add-ons and scripts on forum, probably many will be obsolete or broken (already saw people commenting on GC store under some products about Max scripts being broken with updates).
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 12:09
Quote: "I'm now going through so many add-ons and scripts on forum"

Make sure you add the description line to the top of the scripts.
Or Max wont see them
--DESCRIPTION:whatever the script is
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 13:22 Edited at: 27th Mar 2022 13:23
Quote: "Make sure you add the description line to the top of the scripts.
Or Max wont see them
--DESCRIPTION:whatever the script is"

That only makes it show up in the behaviours panel it doesn't stop it working when specified in the .fpe file. (AFAIK)
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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 13:32
Quote: "Honestly, I didn't bother with GGC so was expecting all such things to be built into Max, even as add-ons."

Cine|Guru was developed by a professional team (i.e. people with the requisite knowledge and experience required to do so) I doubt if TGC have, nor can afford to hire, people to replicate it in house!

People expect way too much from them.

Even if they did hire someone, it took at least 3 months of development time.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2022 14:31
Quote: "That only makes it show up in the behaviours panel it doesn't stop it working when specified in the .fpe file. (AFAIK)"

No but if your testing and want to attach it Max cannot see it no matter where it is ..
Just trying to be helpful.
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Harkin Hails M.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2022 15:10
Quote: "Cine|Guru was developed by a professional team (i.e. people with the requisite knowledge and experience required to do so) I doubt if TGC have, nor can afford to hire, people to replicate it in house!"

Time for TGC to pull a Unity and start buying add-ons/scripts from store, integrating them into the engine.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2022 15:38 Edited at: 28th Mar 2022 15:39
Quote: " Time for TGC to pull a Unity and start buying add-ons/scripts from store, integrating them into the engine. "

Ye then get sued by a load of sellers.
Not the best idea
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Harkin Hails M.
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Posted: 29th Mar 2022 07:59 Edited at: 29th Mar 2022 08:00
Quote: " Ye then get sued by a load of sellers. "

"Time for TGC to pull a Unity and start buying add-ons/scripts from store, integrating them into the engine."

I didn't mean buy them like we do.
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Posted: 29th Mar 2022 14:09
Quote: "I didn't mean buy them like we do."

They make next to nothing from sales as it is, they would have to recoup the cost from the customers and they already complain that it isn't free!
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Rimbawan Gerilya
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Posted: 1st May 2022 03:11
Perhaps a trigger zone to switch active cam and start a camera movement using nav points? I think that's not too difficult for TGC.

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